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[Solved 1.036] Cannot save a game

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 10:18:44 AM
satoru wrote:

It could also be your anti-virus killing the zip. try to dsiable your av temporariy

Well I don't care if you are just suggesting random stuff or not.

BUT THX, the culprit is the Antivirus Scanner!!!! I disabled it completly and it works as it should. Adding the Endless Space 2 folders in Steam and in My Documents to exceptions does not work. Is there another folder which should be added to exceptions?

Cudos to you, Sir. I didn't think about that because it worked just fine before with the same Antivirus Scanner.

Redeemer, could you try disabling the Antivirus and test it?

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7 years ago
Jul 7, 2017, 9:47:51 PM

OK I tried an older version and the beta patch. Both times the problem still exist. But hte new beta patch shows an acutal game will be saved promt. The end turn button has a little animation. Still it doesn't make a difference.

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7 years ago
Jul 8, 2017, 6:43:29 AM

We ll have to wait for a fix until then we are back to the '90s. Manual save, rename, load.

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7 years ago
Jul 9, 2017, 5:41:07 PM

Just wanted to say I'm having the exact same issue. It was working fine when initially installed but the issue seems to have started for me in the last few days.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 10, 2017, 8:53:02 AM

There are other bugs as well.

30% of the times i press "Quit to desktop" the game never exits. It remains stuck on that screen. I have to kill the process with ctrl+alt+del

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7 years ago
Jul 10, 2017, 1:00:10 PM

Honestly this still seems like a permissions issue on your save game folder

Delete the entire My Documents\Endless Space 2 folder

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7 years ago
Jul 10, 2017, 9:48:05 PM
satoru wrote:

Honestly this still seems like a permissions issue on your save game folder

Delete the entire My Documents\Endless Space 2 folder

I tried it, still no save files. Only the .tmp files which I must manually convert bye deleting the .tmp ending. I also checked the permission beforehand. But thx for the tip.

What is curios is the naming of the Auto Save files:

AutoSave 1.zip.1.tmp

AutoSave 1.zip.2.tmp


Test was saved on turn 1. The Autosaves where made two turns in a row. Shouldn't the naming change to: AutoSave 1.zip.tmp and Autosave 2.zip.tmp ??? Could it be, that the naming does mess something up? If I delete everything behind .zip I get to identical named files. This shouldn't be. Perhpas this is messing with the save files.

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 2:20:18 AM

It could also be your anti-virus killing the zip. try to dsiable your av temporariy

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 5:03:51 AM

Have you seen the entire post? Or are you just suggesting random stuff? 

This is a game bug. Nothing on our end. Scan the whole post to see what we tested and what worked (nothing).

The only temporary solution is to change the extension of the files. If you have several names, try rename the files as well.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 7, 2017, 9:08:34 PM

I am having the same problems recently. Worked before the newest patch or the one patch before.

In the save game folder new temporary Save Files are created. Chnaging their file extension from .tmp to .zip solves the problem. It's a workaround. I too cannot delete saves ingame or override them. So it's time to really save manually I guess. :-)

I reinstalled, deleted all safe files and deleted the dependencies without any change. Still not able to save.

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 4:04:15 PM

I already tried mate. One of the first tests as show in the previous posts. Will try again though. 

At the moment this issue is not a problem. I have other problems with the game but at least they are not game breaking :)

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 7:51:17 PM
Redeemer wrote:

I already tried mate. One of the first tests as show in the previous posts. Will try again though. 

At the moment this issue is not a problem. I have other problems with the game but at least they are not game breaking :)

Ah OK. Sorry, didn't noticed your first post where you stated that you turned off AVG. Bye the way I also use AVG.

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7 years ago
Jul 22, 2017, 7:18:43 PM

OK I reinstalled AVG and it works again. AVG is turned on now and I am able to save again. Don't know what happened. Seems the Antivir had some hiccups.

So try to reinstall your Antivir and see if it works.

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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2017, 10:16:50 PM


Sorry for joining the frey so late. I was focused on the the development of the latest patch. We have fixed an issue with Avast anti-virus being unhappy with moving tmp to zip files. 

In preview patch 1.036, we have renamed saved files to a .sav extension (old .zip files are still read for compatibility).

Can you check this preview patch to let us know if it fixes the issue?


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7 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 10:37:14 AM

This problem is fixed with the latest patch. I can save/ load / see a populated list fine. Your fix worked. Thank you. 

It was annoying to manually rename files, among other bugs. For the record I was using AVG.

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 8:29:58 AM

I saw the access denied in the Documents folder but that shouldnt be the case. All users have full control. I even added "Everyone" in the list with Full control. Still i get the results i showed above

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 5:45:35 PM

Forgot to mention it above but i already tried that too.  The problem remains.

Also, between different tests i deleted all save files in case they are corrupted and bug the whole process.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 6:39:27 PM

Could you upload your The Diagnostics file ?

It's In the "%My Documents%/Endless Space 2/Temporary Files" Folder

Diagnostics - [Time&Date].html of the game when it did not save (there are ten of these files so make sure to get the right one, the time and date in the file name describe when the game was launched)

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 7:07:02 PM


The above is the dropbox link from a game i run until round 5 and saved with name TutorialSave. (no need to mention that it didnt work)

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 7:43:29 PM

I've looked at the diagnostics and what sticks out is "Access to the path is denied" which appears five times

With the stack of 

System.IO.File:Move(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo, System.Reflection.ParameterInfo) ArchiveJob:Run()

Does the game autosave ? It should each turn (They only appear in the load game menu) And can you load them ? Can you use Quicksave (Ctrl+F5)? and Quickload (Ctrl+F9)

With the error it would look like it does not have the privilage to save the file or maybe not load something correctly its hard to tell when it doesn't give details.

I'm not sure whats causing this, I can think of something you could try.

NOTE: Only do the following if you feel you know what your doing 

First step is to get Process Monitor : Link

Next Launch it, and press Ctrl+E to pause capture (there should be an X on the magnifying glass)

Then Launch Endless Space 2

Then go back to Process Monitor Click and hold the Aim Icon to the right of Highlight and drag it over the ES2 Window and release 

Then press Ctrl+E and Process Monitor should fill up with ES2 Stuff

Next press Ctrl+L and add [Result] [is not] [SUCCESS] then [Include] and press ok

Then click the icons on the right of the Process Monitor tool bar so only file system activity is included (Ignore this for now)

after things show up save the file and upload it, You will have some RegOpenKey opertaions show up if they are about HKCU\Software\Classes\MediaFoundation they are fine

After all this is done it should show what is not being accessed and can leed on to how it can be fixed

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 7:58:24 PM

Thanks for the replies. These steps might take a while. This is my development pc and i dont install programs i dont know. I ll have to research the one you suggested (its from microsoft so it can be trusted) and follow the above steps. Still though, i bought a game , i find it wierd that i have to debugg it. Im not in the dev team :)

Access path is denied will most probably mean that it tries to do things it shouldn't. Since the files are already created and all "legal" priviledges given to the application. I can assume that it's a game bug.

This reminds me of a CRAP ERP i was working (as a user) and all antiviruses were seeing it as a virus. Ah good times.

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 8:14:45 PM

It's a Portable Executable so not installation required but it does require administrator privliages.

It's part of the Sysinternals suite which is a great set of tools.

It might be trying to do something it needs to but due to an external factor it can't e.g. Special or accented characters in a file path can cause a program to go looking for a non-existent folder

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 8:24:26 AM

Jesus Christ is this normal? So many errors. So many buffer overflows / name collitions / name not found / no such file errors. I wonder if this game is even tested. Anyway. 

Lets begin. 

- First i want to thank you again for this nice little program (although in this little time i barely scratched the surface). 

- The game autosaves but they dont show in the load list, only in the folder. Thus i cant load them

- Ctrl+f5 creates a file in the save directory but still i cant see in the load list

- ctrl+f9 doesnt seem to work in game.

- I cant understand all these things so to speed things up i will give the following dropbox link showing what happens when i click save. Im sure you can analyze it better than me. 


- I am also showing my save folder. I forgot to ask earlier: are these names as they are supposed to?


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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 5:11:44 PM

I bought the game yesterday. I started the tutorial and tried to save from round 1 to round 20. Each time i tried the game didnt save. After clicking on the text box to give the save a new name i wasnt able to see it either on the save list or on the load list. IF i cant see my saved game on the load list how am i supposed to load it in the future?:)

The steps i tried:

1. did a win10 update
2. did a geforce driver update
3. added the game folder and files as an exception to the AVG antivirus/internet security. Also tested with antivirus disabled.
4. checked to see if windows 10 defender has Endless Space 2 in the "Allowed Apps" section.
5. run the game with admin priviledges and with win 7 compat settings. Also tried every possible combination in case something is wrong with file priviledges

6. checked the Documents folder for the right priviledges.
7. tried renaming save files

Nothing worked. I still cant save the game.

I have to mention that by checking the save  folder i saw several files with the names i choose when i was trying to save the game. Still those dont appear in game. Need your help.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 9:46:24 AM
Redeemer wrote:

Jesus Christ is this normal? So many errors. So many buffer overflows / name collitions / name not found / no such file errors. I wonder if this game is even tested. Anyway. 

When I was trying this out all I ever got was RegOpenKey operations failing, due to it looking for a number of keys and some not exsisting, which is expected really. But the level of error your getting is very suprising, not normal at all.

- I cant understand all these things so to speed things up i will give the following dropbox link showing what happens when i click save. Im sure you can analyze it better than me. 


As I can't see all the infomation from the screenshot (I need to see the full path) could you save the log file (Ctrl+S) with the settings [Events displayed under the current filter] [Also include profiling events] [PML] and then upload the .PML file 

- I am also showing my save folder. I forgot to ask earlier: are these names as they are supposed to?


Well this shows the problem The .TMP file is as it sounds like, temporary. Its made while the game is saving and is then converted into a .zip file, Try renaming then to .zip's and see if they load. But it seems to be akin to a permissions issue which is odd, Does it give the same errors when ran as administrator ? 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 9:59:39 AM

Here is the log you requested https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifgl927i57u4hzy/Logfile.PML?dl=0

I open the game, run new game->tutorial and tried to save at round 1. Then i exit .

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 10:37:37 AM

I've looked at a bit of the log many of the byffer overflows are fine. It's just the program is asking for data but does not know the length of it. it starts with a small buffer but sometimes thats too small a buffer overflow happens and the progam reissues the request with a now correct buffer size. it's not erroneous overwriting of data.

I don't like the look of the errors its having with ddraw.dll/d3d9.dll/d3d.dll/opengl32.dll Something is going on your computer but i'm not sure what; maybe a required service is stopped, or ES2 or it's depedancys are not installed correctly.

Have you tried renaming the .tmp files to .zip and see if they load. 

Does it give the same errors when ran as administrator ? 

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 10:55:50 AM

If a required service was stopped i would have the same problem to at least 1 other game. And i have more than 50 installed :) As for ES2 dependencies well the game was installed from steam so i can't do much for it. I did a check via steam for the game files and it completed successfully.

Im always running the game with admin priviledges since I begun the tests. 

Also changing file extension from .tmp to .zip seems to make the file available in save/load list. And here we go:

- I tested another 3-4 rounds (limited sample) and it seems that so far it works. Will continue testing.

- Furthermore i can't override the (renamed) save. When i try nothing happens. So every time i 'll have to pick another name. 

- Also i cannot delete save files from in game. It simple doesnt work. I choose cancel and im redirected to the previous list. 

At least now i can see the game. Hopefully there are no more bugs down the line and hopefully they will fix the current ones soon. 

Are you a developer in Endless Space 2? Im new to this games2together thing and i cant tell by the icon. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 11:01:00 AM

If there was a problem with my pc i would give you, or any other interested, any diagnostics you need to find out what the problem is. But i have hundrends of programs and tens of games installed. Not a single one has a problem.

This is the only game - program - app that behaves so wierd letting me believe that it is still too fresh and needs more development time. 

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 11:04:47 AM
Redeemer wrote:

As for ES2 dependencies well the game was installed from steam so i can't do much for it.

Some ES2 dependencies can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\_CommonRedist if you want to try reinstalling them, may help, probably won't but it's unlikely to do any harm.

Also changing file extension from .tmp to .zip seems to make the file available in save/load list. And here we go:

- I tested another 3-4 rounds (limited sample) and it seems that so far it works. Will continue testing.

- Furthermore i can't override the (renamed) save. When i try nothing happens. So every time i 'll have to pick another name. 

- Also i cannot delete save files from in game. It simple doesnt work. I choose cancel and im redirected to the previous list. 

It's good your atleast able to play now. it seems something is stoping the game from making changes to files in the save directory but not making new files, so thats odd. but I can't think of how to solve it.

Are you a developer in Endless Space 2? Im new to these games2together thing and i cant tell by the icon. 

I'm not a dev, just an active user. Dev's have a little [DEV] Tag by their name

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 11:07:59 AM

You rock. Many many thanks mate. You already spent quite some time to my issue. /respect

I' ll keep this open in case something needs to be added in the future.

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