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Can´t play next turn

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5 years ago
Sep 12, 2019, 8:47:08 PM

On my tunr 59 the game stay loding on pending, I verify that I completed all the task on the turn and wait for about one hour and I was unable to continue with my game. This happends after I install the Aweikening Expansion.

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5 years ago
Sep 13, 2019, 7:07:59 AM

I had it too.
It was strange, because my fleet didn't move, and my planet constructions didn't go further, but i do receive new diplomatic demands (and other pop-ups) as if the turn was passed. (didn'nt remember if the turn counter was incremented).
I made a save and reload and it fixed it.
It was on a new game playing Nakalim.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 13, 2019, 8:34:47 AM
Blackstone39 wrote:

I had it too.
It was strange, because my fleet didn't move, and my planet constructions didn't go further, but i do receive new diplomatic demands (and other pop-ups) as if the turn was passed. (didn'nt remember if the turn counter was incremented).
I made a save and reload and it fixed it.
It was on a new game playing Nakalim.

That's a separate issue and is there since 1.4.21

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5 years ago
Sep 14, 2019, 1:29:32 AM

Stuck on turn 33. One of my fleets was in a combat encounter. Sometimes the battle results would be stuck pending endlessly. Even after getting the battle to resolve the turn would not end. Just experienced this with the new expansion.

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5 years ago
Sep 19, 2019, 9:26:56 AM

Could anybody who has encountered any form of turns pending or otherwise not processing please share their saves and diagnostics? (You can find them in "Documents/Endless Space 2/save files" and "Documents/Endless Space 2/temporary files).

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5 years ago
Sep 19, 2019, 4:23:05 PM

I'm in the middle of a Sophon game where I had an instance of turns not processing. Basically, whenever I clicked End Turn it appeared to work and the turn counter went up, but no ships were moving in the galaxy nor any improvements were built. I made a save at that point and reloaded that very save and things started progressing as normal again.

Unfortunately I didn't keep the save (or autosaves) from that point in the game as I figured it was a tiny, utterly random thing. Didn't realise it affected other players.

Here is my diagnostic file from that game session:

Diagnostics - 2019'09'19 @1157'59''.zip

And here are some saves, one from the very start of that game, and my active save, unfortunately at a point after this bug occurred:

Sophons 7 (Start).sav

Sophons 7a.sav

I doubt they'll be of help, but you never know.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Oct 2, 2019, 11:52:52 PM

MIght be a bit late to the party but I'm having a similar issue with the turn pending. Scout ship can't probe curiosities before end turn and when I click the end turn button it just says pending.

Here is the save for the game

AutoSave 443.sav

Here is the diagnostics for the game session

Diagnostics - 2019'10'01 @1151'10''.html

Here is the diagnostics for me loading the save and trying to play the turn (don't know if it will help)

Diagnostics - 2019'10'02 @1622'56''.html

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5 years ago
Oct 3, 2019, 3:50:16 PM

On which version did you create this save? I tried loading with both 1.5.3 and 1.5.7, and on both the turn progressed as normal, yet I can clearly see the error messages in the log files you provided.

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5 years ago
Oct 4, 2019, 3:00:25 PM

Similar issue today. I play Nakalim turn 198->199 and hangs on begining of 199. I have all DLCs turn on.

Turn 198, just before pressing "next turn"


And diagnostic file when in issue state in the beginning of 199:

Diagnostics - 2019'10'04 @1711'15''.html

If somehow you will be able to pass the turn to 199 please share the 199-turn save file :)

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Oct 4, 2019, 3:21:58 PM
_az wrote:

Similar issue today. I play Nakalim turn 198->199 and hangs on begining of 199. I have all DLCs turn on.

Turn 198, just before pressing "next turn"


And diagnostic file when in issue state in the beginning of 199:

Diagnostics - 2019'10'04 @1711'15''.html

If somehow you will be able to pass the turn to 199 please share the 199-turn save file :)

As requested above, you may wish to let them know what version of the game you're playing 1.5.3 or 1.5.7. 

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5 years ago
Oct 7, 2019, 9:58:22 AM

I've passed your save along. I tried to load on 1.5.7 to see if the issue may have been resolved, but that immediately resulted in an error.

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5 years ago
Oct 10, 2019, 5:03:40 PM

I have finished next game without any issue. So, seems there is some edge case that do not happen very often.
In fact more then bug fix I would like to see my save in 199 turn ready for playing :)

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5 years ago
Nov 1, 2019, 6:26:11 AM

Is there any chance for issue fix and having save of next round ? Or I rather should start from the beginmning ?

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5 years ago
Nov 4, 2019, 8:58:43 AM

As Groo metnions, please try if the patchpreview 1.5.11 resolves the issue.

I'm sorry I did not mention it here myself. This thread must have slipped through the cracks as I was replying to the various reports of this issue.

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