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01 - How to create an AI mod

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6 years ago
Nov 29, 2018, 3:24:05 AM

I've noticed turn times are always quick.  Too quick to be sorting through many possible options it seems (ie. looking at future moves like chess AI).  Is there a quick code edit I can do to increase the amount of looks the AI will do so it can make more competant decisions?  I'm used to Civ and Warhammer games making me wait a full minute.  So in large galaxy with max empires I have come to expect that kind of delay and will gladly eat that time to have better AI.

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6 years ago
Nov 29, 2018, 7:41:41 AM

This is as while in Warhammer & Civ AIs take their turns sequentially in ES2 all AIs take their turns simultaneously with the playe r. They often don't take much time at the end of a turn as they already spent the rest of you turn acting.

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6 years ago
Nov 29, 2018, 8:47:29 AM

Thank you Cyrob for answering. I would also like to add that AIs will block the passing of the turn until they have made enough "Decision pass", which if I recall correctly is 4 passes.
So you should not be worried about the AIs not having enough time to play really :)

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4 years ago
Sep 21, 2020, 6:25:04 PM


    I know this forum seems almost dead at this point but i would like to create new AI for Endless Space 2 – current AI is too weak and passive (even on Endless difficulty it is pathetic). So far I've made some attempts but they all failed, therefore i ask for some quidance:

Question 1:

Is there a way to completly override all trees states(or at least dimplomatic tree - this one is crucial to fixing AI) and create new one from the scratch (remove all previous states in state graph, so we start with clean slate)?

Question 2:

Where we can find API documentation? (it would be nice to see all properties and events we can react to) Do you have any frontend list of methods we can use? Anything, so we dont walk in darkness?


If there is no way to create new state machine, or there are no way to find an API documentation for modders , then last question:

I would really like to create AI that is truly painfully hard, but it is possible to defeat - if not for this endless Space then prehaps for next Endless Legend/Space(3). Will this be possible or is modding removed from Humankind onward for all of your games(one of your colleagues written that so far there is no modding support prepared for Humankind- which is fine by me - i dont like 4X games that looks like next Sid Meyer's Civilization anyway :P )? 

Updated 4 years ago.
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