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Graphics broken on macOS Monterey



3 years ago Feb 21, 2022, 4:48:01 AM

Just got a computer with Apple Silicon and macOS Monterey. Endless Space 2 runs beautifully — except for some of the graphics. I tried a full reinstall, but that didn't help. I've got the latest version on Steam but no DLC, just vanilla ES2. What gives?

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a year ago
Jun 21, 2023, 9:51:59 PM

I have also had this problem for a while, a lot of things just do not show up.

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a year ago
Oct 27, 2023, 10:01:44 AM

May be linked to this:

Unfortunately the new patch doesn't fix the broken images on macOS (current version, I had to revert to 1.5.28 old version). https://steamcommunity.com/app/392110/discussions/0/3765608096037389430/

Possible cause is this unity limitation: https://forum.unity.com/threads/ui-sprites-and-images-corruption-on-building.831883/ as the file size of resources.assets.resS exceeds 4GiB, is bigger since the current live version and the unity player can't read any resources correctly beyond the 4GiB limitation.


Updated a year ago.
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