Hey, so I have a problem where my game crashes just a few turns into the game. Once it does this once, it'll crash everytime I even try to re-open the game. Resetting the local data at least lets me open the game and get a few turns in, then it just crashes again and I'm locked out of the game by again because it'll just start crashing every time I re-open after that point. It prompts me to turn in a bug report to the developers but no clear way on how to do that.

If you open the report up its filled with warnings related to dupe names for events like groundbattles and squadron actions which doesnt even make sense since its maybe 5-10 turns in and none of those things have happened

Please help it makes the game completely unplayable and must be related to a recent update since just a few weeks ago I played thru a complete game with zero crashes or errors