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ES2 Academy Attack Master Fleet docked bug

bugsstarsystemBugfleets bugBug


a year ago Dec 31, 2023, 6:50:57 AM

hi! i am currently playing the patchpreview update on steam. in my play session, i used the diplomatic option of spawning an academy fleet and i also received an academy fleet as a quest reward. i docked these fleets in different starsystems by disbanding them, with the expectation that i'd be able to create a fleet from those ships when i needed to. however, this wasn't the case and i can neither create a fleet from these ships or scrap them.

because i would really like to continue session, is there an easy mod fix for this bug?

otherwise, perhaps the disband option shouldn't be available for the academy fleet if there is no way to later retrieve them.

thank you

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a year ago
Jan 1, 2024, 7:28:42 AM


click+dragged academy ships from hangar into pre-existing fleet (hero, or ship) then created fleet from the dummy ship to split it off from the academy ships so i could have an academy fleet

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