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End turn stuck turn 57/58 as Nakalim



6 months ago Mar 24, 2024, 6:40:49 PM

Came here from https://steamcommunity.com/app/392110/discussions/0/4293691425577594833/. My game is stuck on turn 57/58 while playing as Nakalim. When I hit end turn it never completes. I can use the menus, but my turn never comes up again. I tried clearing all the notifications, loading several autosaves before the bug, but haven't been able to get past it.

After ending the turn I waited 5 minutes before exiting to desktop. usually turns take about 10 seconds to process. Win Pro, x64, i9-13900K, 64GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080, 2 TB SSD (1 TB free), had to implement the OPENSSL_ia32cap workaround for the game to run at all, drivers are up to date.

I wasn't able to upload the files using the forum interface, but they're available at...

diag file https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlvtC3Isw3jNqW0EB5TYyVy9pVjH?e=Kpnm7A

save file https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlvtC3Isw3jNqWwsf_B-MgbJ7YMG

Selected answer
6 months ago
Mar 24, 2024, 8:11:13 PM

That's a Hacking-related pending turn from Penumbra. "ServerPickPVEOutcomeForOperation"

Workaround for now is to disable Penumbra.

DefaultSTACKThe given key was not present in the dictionary.
 at get_Item in :line 0 at ServerPickPVEOutcomeForOperation 
 in :line 0 at ServerPickPVEOutcomesIFN 
 in :line 0 at ServerBeginTurn 
 in :line 0 at MoveNext 
 in :line 0 at Run 
 in :line 0
Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 24, 2024, 8:11:13 PM

That's a Hacking-related pending turn from Penumbra. "ServerPickPVEOutcomeForOperation"

Workaround for now is to disable Penumbra.

DefaultSTACKThe given key was not present in the dictionary.
 at get_Item in :line 0 at ServerPickPVEOutcomeForOperation 
 in :line 0 at ServerPickPVEOutcomesIFN 
 in :line 0 at ServerBeginTurn 
 in :line 0 at MoveNext 
 in :line 0 at Run 
 in :line 0
Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 29, 2024, 11:55:39 PM

Another pending game on turn 83 save: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlvtC3Isw3jNqgmN0lOqktwSXpXn?e=WRAmSr diag: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlvtC3Isw3jNqgglDnxEfE3YdOJJ?e=rzWaVw

Going to try your advice and t urn off Penumbra. I hate losing invisible ships, but I'm curious to see if the problem goes away.

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6 months ago
Mar 31, 2024, 4:13:04 AM

Made it to turn 140 in a conquest victory with the specified DLC turned off.

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