Where is DLC: Digital deluxe edition/Pathfinders for Endless space 2? 5 years ago
Good time of day.
I wanted to take advantage of the winter sale of Steam-I wanted to collect almost a full set of DLC (with the exception of Awakening). But add-ons Digital deluxe / pathfinders not in the pack, not on the page of the game - it is not. Although it was not so long ago. And its existence is hinted at, as G2G, with its reward system, and the ES2 page itself on Steam.
In General, if someone knows where the Deluxe edition-let him throw the link. I'll be grateful.
P.S. I do not pull on the title of linguist, but still, it seems to me that in a special offer on the page ES2, which says about G2G-words in Russian are not quite the right form, namely: "Зачислять; Получать бесплатные награды!" can be changed in "Зачислить; И получить бесплатные награды". But it is better to replace "Зачислять".
With the text below-you can do nothing, but the feeling of machine translation is still there.