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Replace manpower generation icon from production screen with population drag and drop.

GUIPopulationSystem Management

8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 10:40:43 AM

You should remove the manpower generation icon from the production screen in the system view.

Instead, if the player want to generate manpower, he should be able to drag and drop some population directly to the production list.


- The player could directly choose which population is used to create manpower.

- Removing this icon from the building menu. I think this icon isn't entirely thematic.

This could be a Dictature feature only.

Updated 19 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.



status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to OUT OF VISION as it is not compatible with our vision of the game because it conflicts with the game's design principles, or it is contradictory with an existing in-game feature, or it is technically impossible to implement it in the game.


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8 years ago
Dec 25, 2016, 8:24:08 AM

+1 to this.

It has another advantage you didn't mentioned: actually you put your improvement on the queue, but can't put it more than once (seems actually ships are the only thing you can repeat in the queue). With your system, you'll be able not only to choose the pop, but also to queue more than one pop, and won't be doing like now, that you have to queue the improvement every turn if you one to remove more than one pop.

Also good way to make rid of those annoying cravers pop.

Surprised there's not more votes.

The only think I don't agree is that I think this should be available to all governments (maybe with some specific law)?

--- EDITED: 27/12/16.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 26, 2016, 9:04:00 AM

I'm surprised there is not more votes too, I think this is related to me not bumping my ideas (they should live their lives until someone have something to say) :)

I'm not sure about the governement requirement.

I was thinking that's a little authoritarian so it's fitting the dictatorship theme very well.

Explanations for this are I'd like the Dictatorship having an unique feature. And I would like some unique features to the others forms of governement.

To me, there is not enough incitement to switch from one form of governmenent to another specific one (beside full democracy, or full dictatorship).

There should be "if you're a federation, you can (say) raise tax, if you're a democracy you can (say) revote in mid mandate, etc. This one would be the unique feature of dictatorship.

But it's not carved in stone as I would like the drag and drop feature before the unique stuff.

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8 years ago
Dec 27, 2016, 7:20:55 AM

I see same problems than you in motivations to switch government, but for this feature I'm not sure if has to be linked to one government type, as you'll be able to convert pop to manpower in the actual way with non-dictatorship govs.

Another thing is I would understand that having some governments or some political parties in senate, may benefit/penalize you if you abuse of this "enrolling" mechanics.

But still feels so good feature I want to be able to do it in all my campaigns.

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8 years ago
Dec 27, 2016, 3:58:42 PM

This is a very nice idea, however, new players may not be aware of that option, so there should be a small note like this when you Hover above a pop: Drag this population to your building list to conscript them for 300 manpower.

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8 years ago
Jan 6, 2017, 11:14:52 AM
mixerria wrote:

This is a very nice idea, however, new players may not be aware of that option, so there should be a small note like this when you Hover above a pop: Drag this population to your building list to conscript them for 300 manpower.

I don't know, it depends if dragging a population is implemented for astroports or not. I don't know what they chose for the astroport in terms of interface.

Say there's is big circle with an icon symbolising the astroport in the system screen. When you would hold the mouse dragging the population, then :

- the other planets could be highlighted (highlighted like the tutorial highlights stuff)

- the building list could be highlighted

- the circle of the astroport could be highlighted.

Then the effect of "the drop" would be different depending on where you did drop the guys.

- moving pop to the other planets

- putting enough manpower generation items in the building queue

- opening a list of systems with an astroport for the destination of those guys.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 6, 2017, 7:25:42 PM
mixerria wrote:

This is a very nice idea, however, new players may not be aware of that option, so there should be a small note like this when you Hover above a pop: Drag this population to your building list to conscript them for 300 manpower.

Agree with this.

As I like your idea a lot, if implemented they should put a tooltip somewhere to help new players.

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8 years ago
Jan 17, 2017, 9:55:10 AM

Like I said, highlighting the place where the people can go would suffice imho.

Like what they did for the tutorial ?

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.

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8 years ago
Jan 18, 2017, 6:43:30 PM

Hi Etheon,

Is it possible to know which one is the problem: game design, in-game features or a technical problem ?
I still think this solves problems & side effects raised by an authoritarian regime, aka starting game lower to end game very very low approval because of mixed populations (aka #CraversProblems).

I will be in B2G tomorow if you wish to talk about this.

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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 9:35:44 AM

To support core idea, I think we should be able to choose who enlist to manpower and queue this.

If Kweel_Nakashyn proposition is not feasible, at least, can you give us some other way to choose who will be recrurited?

To be honest I can't see why this goes against game design principles or lore, so the problem should be of feasibility or contradiction with other fetures.

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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 9:51:53 AM

I was thinking this may be covered by one of the things that would be showed today (like migration stuff), so they can't say yet.

For Cravers, I tend to think that migration keeps your "meeples" within your empire (since they have no diplomacy), so this is just moving disaproval to another system.

With migration, you could move meeples to one super disaproval specialized prison-like system then transforms them into manpower.

The "choose who is manpower", if migration works like this, will still exist I guess. So I don't think this is what blocks the idea there: this may be technical, or them wishing to have a prison system (tbh, by thinking twice about it, it's not that bad).

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 11:01:25 AM

When I saw it, I thought it was a technical or conflicting issue. IMO the underlying idea of choosing who will be enrolled should be introduced in game, and also is not conflicting, so curious about what they saw

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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 12:05:07 PM


The type of suggested interaction doesn’t fit with the rest of the game: we never drag & drop an element to the construction queue and it has both user experience and technical reasons.  However, we agree on the problem you’re rising. Here is how we want to answer them: 

—We are going to work on better birth / consumption control for the Update 3 (we are thinking of using Luxury in order to have more dynamic sinks).

—The present icon of Exotic Ration is temporary, it will have a proper illustration for the Update 2 :) 


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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 1:28:09 PM

I understand, thanks for the info. See you tonight ! ;)

For the exotic ration, my matter with it is the choice icon is located in the "+ stuff" building menu, from which you can mindlessly click to build stuff. Those ration cost no , so I'm still thinking they are not in the right place (imho).

It may be right to use a different, separate button for those ? (or even a different menu if you want to regroup more "weird" stuff here).

I could argue with drag'n drop (because we are allready drag'n dropping element from the building queue to the building queue, and you could highlight that menu to show the meeple can be dropped there), but let's not make you loose your time with this if you don't like that :p

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 4:04:37 PM

Thanks for explanation. Happy to see you are aware of this problem and looking for a soluction.

think saw same probles as Kweel_Nakashyn

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