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Dust shouldn't buy everything


8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 1:25:34 PM

While dust (money) can do a lot they shouldn't instantly make everything apear out of nothing.

This goes to "buying" your production queue or instantly repairing ships.

It just doesn't have any logic.

You can buy a ship on the marketplace and that is fine but you shouldn't be able to materialize them from nothing.

I would suggest that "buying" should simply increase production.

Lets say reduce the industry cost by 50% as you are "investing" more to get things done faster.

Updated a day ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 4, 2016, 9:27:52 AM

Dust is literally nanomachines.  They can reconfigure into almost any structure - and they can be used to process materials at a molecular level, nigh-instantaneously.  Being able to buy entire production queues is pretty much how that sort of thing would actually work.

Dust is NOT simply "money".

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8 years ago
Dec 4, 2016, 10:30:06 AM

If we look at it this way then yes you are correct.

Not everything in the game has to have logical sense but I would still like to limit the instant build options.

You should be able to improve the speed greatly with dust but being able to build up everything at a push of a button seams to much (of course it does cost you it is not for free).

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