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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 5:13:32 PM


Shamelessly linked to my idea of how colonization should work. I posted in the Game design forums, but feel it matches better this new feature that the post in the forum.

Heres the link: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/66-game-design/thread/21582-suggestion-new-colonisation-tech-system

Happy to see the idea moved here. sure devs has read it before.

Still if you feel the idea is better in its actual status in the forums, leave there and erase this post.


Actually there are some complaints with actual colonization techs systems. To summarize:

  • One planet = one techs forces you to research all of them, to be in par with other factions.
  • Previous point with actual tech tree makes it cumbersome, as forces you to leave other techs aside, or just by increasing its costs.

To this I suggested a system base on original GDDs planet chart, that follows this ideas:

  • Each planet type has an humidity and temperature that defines it.
  • Instead of researching planet types, you research techs that allow to colonize an humidity or temp.
  • Each planet is colonizable once you have unlocked its temp and humidity.
  • This leads to unlocking at least one planet  type per tech, but with proper research strategy, you can unlock various planets per tech, speeding up the colonizable planets at your disposal.
  • Each faction has its own colonization chart based in its homeworld type, giving more interest in this home planet and deeper immersion feeling.
  • Previous point also allows creation of specific and weird charts.

After my first suggestion, there are also two more suggestions in original thread to match better with actual tech tree system, that follows same principles.

Hope this abstract may help you, still as I said in the comments, the original is 4-post long.

Updated 8 days ago.
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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.



status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to DUPLICATE as it looks similar to the following idea: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/2-rework-the-entire-planet-grid

We are considering both ideas to pertain to the same improvement.


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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 5:23:00 PM

I think it would be very nice if you could sum up your thread from the forum here, to give a fresh start to your Idea. It's not very ideal to have it splitted between here and the forums :)

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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 10:48:21 PM

It's 4 post-long. So not sure if it can fit here with copy-paste only. I'll try to make an abstrct, but not sure if it will be very clear without the graphic explanation.

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 5:47:25 PM

I 'd wish this idea would get more attention since it's a much more intutive colonisation system, although maybe a bit too complex for the average gamer.

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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.



status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to DUPLICATE as it looks similar to the following idea: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/2-rework-the-entire-planet-grid

We are considering both ideas to pertain to the same improvement.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 2:29:11 PM

@ Etheon:

As I see this idea and one from XorUnison are not the same, but are complementary. I have no problem in fusing both. At this moment My idea covers how to research the colonisation techs, while XorUnison covers all remaining aspects of a new possible grid, like terraforming, FIDSI , etc.. but only mentions an actual issue on how they're unlocked.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 3:54:01 PM

They are indeed complementary and we are working on both accept but it's part of a same global process; that's why this idea has been tagged duplicated. We could have tag it as greenlighted too but we might derivate from it depending on how we restructure the planet grid.


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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 5:23:09 PM
Meedoc wrote:

They are indeed complementary and we are working on both accept but it's part of a same global process; that's why this idea has been tagged duplicated. We could have tag it as greenlighted too but we might derivate from it depending on how we restructure the planet grid.


Oh thanks for this explanation. Having that in mind, no offense on my part, so left it as duplicate.

Hope not offense in yours, and if it's the case my apologies.

Also glad to her again your interest in this idea (was very happy to read Frogsquadron first time and hear in the stream :..D ).

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 5:11:07 PM

@Kweel_Nakashyn made two interesting observations about this colonization system, to summarise:

  1. Can you invade a system with all the colonized planets of its owner needs a tech you haven't?
  2. What happens with factions like Lumeris, who should start in an atoll planet for its lore, but will benefit largely from dry planets, which will be various tiers far away?

He posted it in various threads, I haven't time to find just now, but be glad to see a link, this way you'll be able to read by his own words.

I have thought some solutions for this problems:

About #1:

Recently I assimilated some deuyivans, who were living in its gas giant. Why is it possible if gas giants are late game tech?

As I see it has sense in a lore way if you assume that they get into your empire voluntarily, and so they're giving its FIDSI to you as collaboration in exchange of protection or whatever you like, but you can't colonize its planet, you just let them there doing its own internal things, as long as you receive what you negotiated. It also make sense in gameplay terms, allowing you to assimilate any minor at any game stage, without having to wait till late game for this specific one.

Something similar can happen when you invade a planet with all pop in a planet you haven't the tech to colonize: assume you ask for their FIDSI and "collaboration" in exchange of not being wiped out from the orbit / starved / whatever you think fits better, but essentially your population doesn't settle on this planet, but leaves local pop in vassalage / slavery / whatever fits better status. This will allow to solve this issue, assuming that:

  • You can invade faction systems or assimilate minors, you haven't the colonization techs for its planets, as long as your pop doesn't settle on this planets.
  • Only local pop will grow on this planets.
  • After invading a system, you can same turn colonize any planet you have the tech for, and "motivate" local pop to move there.

Think it solves gameplay without being lore-conflicting.

About #2:

Here I thought of three possible solutions, that can be applied at same time:

  • XorUnison's planet FIDSI suggestion makes it more distributed, with its two axes, so implementing this as it stands will at least partially mitigate the issue.
  • My idea about colonization techs allows you to move in two axis, which combined with the previous point will mitigate the problem even further.
  • In my idea each faction has its own planet chart. Have in mind that this is not obligatory to have same for all factions, and it can be altered at will. This will allow, to say in the Lumeris case, to move dry planets one tier before it is expected if you follow the "neutral" chart, as a faction trait. Understand that they'll do anything for dust and try to rush optimal planets.

As before, I think it solves gameplay issues without being lore conflicting.


NOTE: I'll copy-paste this to related ideas threads, just in cae you're interested, and not following this specific one.

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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 9:39:01 AM

I saw you changed this idea status from "duplicate" to "need more info". Afeter Etheon's and Meedoc's posts I supposed you just added it to XorUnison's main idea, but if you feel this is good and want to know something more about this, please ask.

If not I'll suppose the main idea continues included into XorUnison's and you're working this as one.

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