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Allow Special Nodes to be claimed by building Space Stations


7 years ago
Jan 23, 2018, 10:20:07 PM

Right now Special Nodes are only a factor in gameplay around mid-game (unless there is some lucky placment of systems from the Galaxy Generator) with the exception of the Unfallen, who can build vines to claim them. I purpose that other factions can do something similar, but at a much greater cost than their Unfallen counterparts.

This can be down by allowing other factions the ability to build space stations on special nodes in order to claim them. Make them have a significant upfront Dust cost, and than have the time it takes to be completely built work like a Riftborn outpost, having Industry shipped to it from another system.  Once it's built it will cost a certain amount of Influence per turn to maintain, and the player can select which system it's effects go toward, with the effect diminishing the futher away the system is from the special node.

The space station can be destroyed by other players, much like a pirate lair, which would force the owner to guard it with a fleet and maybe we can actually have battles that actually take Theater Effects into consideration. Right now, I almost never think about taking advantage of Theater Effects because the special nodes are typically not in a strategically important location. At least this might force them to become so.

Updated 12 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 5 years ago

Claiming special nodes like this conflicts with the design of Behemoths, so won't make it into ES2.


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