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Faction needs in diplomacy screen

GUIDiplomacyMajor Factions

8 years ago
Dec 12, 2016, 1:26:09 PM

It would be very helpful if in the diplomacy screen you would see what the other party needs and could also broadcast what are your needs.

Like for example another faction needs Titanium and you have plenty of it so why not trade efficiently.

This should boost diplomacy as you would be contacting other factions more often and trough efficient trade make use of all those influence points.

In the same way if you broadcast that you are in need of some resources / ships (if we will be allowed to trade them) / star systems (not only for Lumeris) then we could get offers and negotiate on them.

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 10:25:22 AM

Do you mean like in the Anno series the demand and offer possibilities? 

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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 10:59:01 AM

Sorry haven't played Anno so don't know how that works.
In short the idea is that the one AI needs titatnium (any amount or a specific amount of 50) and makes that knowledge public for all (doesn't have to but has the option to do it).

On the market that 50 titanium would cost 500 dust (just an example).

I can start negotiations and see that the AI has a lot of Jadonyx that I need.
So I can make an offer of titanium in exchange for Jadonyx and I know the AI needs this resource so is likely to accept this offer (unless he gets a better one from another player).

The negotiations could last for a few turns with each player making a better offer until a deal is made.

In the same way I could announce that I need for example Adamantian and someone will offer it for exchange for dust or and empire can offer for example 50 Adamantian for exchange for a trade agreement or a hunter class ship (if such an option will be introduced).

The whole aim here is to improve direct trade between empires with the bypass of marketplace so that you could build relationships.

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