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Scale up engines with larger maps

Ship DesignGalaxy GenerationExploration

8 years ago
Dec 12, 2016, 4:38:05 PM

As the maps expand to be large and huge, I think the MP afforded should also expand, such that managing a larger empire will be possible.

One way to achieve this may be to increase the incremental increases unlocked with each tech, for example, each era's advanced engine speed could add

+1.5 for large

+2 for huge

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 1:50:24 AM
syscryp wrote:

What would be the point in larger maps then?

Larger maps offer opportunities for a greater diversity of available systems for colonization and more room to develop tech, infrastructure, and fleets before meeting a competitor.  

Having greater engine speed would allow for one to skip over some of the less desirable systems that are nearby in favor of more resource-rich systems that are farther.  It affords the opportunity to manage a more vast empire.  It is not a risk-free strategy, because other civs could build between your systems and undermine trade routes and influence-dominance.

I was just thinking that if it were an available option it would create more replayability by challenging the user to come up with a strategy that may be a little different from standard gameplay.

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