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Policy Risk and Reward


8 years ago
Dec 19, 2016, 5:13:53 PM

The idea is for policies to have risks and rewards that affect a planet's population moving them toward or away from an ideology while also increasing production for a resource.  Polices would be placed in three  categories: stable, metastable, and unstable

Stable policies are the safest policies and the easiest to pass. However if they are used to frequently your empire stagnates because no risks are taken. 

Metastable policies  have good payout. They can backfire but certain criteria must be met and the backlash usually hits only one planet. Defending the weaknesses of a metastable policy or finding your opponent's policy weakness can be another battlefield to fight on. 

Unstable policies have the highest risk and reward. Unstable policies come with a rating determining how severe the backlash will be if it occurs. If an opponent finds you're running such a policy he can easily cause it to backfire. Usually there is only one criteria to meet in order to cause a disaster. Unstable policies can also fail for no reason or catastrophically fail. The chance for catastrophic failure increases after using unstable policies consecutively.   

Backlash from an unstable policies failure can cause damage to a percentage of your planets, a number of planets, a race(s), an ideology, resource production, or a political alliance. Basically backlash can end up destroying or damaging any resource the policy holder controls.   

Planets remember backlashes longer than payouts. Consecutive negative hits to a planet will add permanent multipliers to any negative modifiers. Planets can still be happy after several policy disasters but will be less loyal. 

Payouts will also give multipliers to positive modifiers but they fade eventually.

Updated 7 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 24, 2016, 4:39:29 AM


Can  you give  some examples of what these policies would be? 

I'm thinking they would be something like: Presented in format [name - type& governing party  - bonus -- failure trigger] -- not sure of benefits

Agrarian Reform -- Stable Ecologist --  +15% food -- fails if ecologist ejected completely from government]

Industrial Modernization -- Stable industrialist -- +15% industry -- fails ifindustrialist loses power]

Massively-Experimental Science -- Unstable Scientist -- +50% science -- fails if planet is beseiged for morethan 2 turns

i'm trying to understand what exactly you meant by policy. if we'reon the same page, it'd be fun to brainstorm more ideas.  just let me know how you thought it should work. (i.e. are they all tied togovernment? will it depend on pop type of system/planet?)

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8 years ago
Dec 31, 2016, 6:06:06 AM

You have the right idea in your own examples here's one of my own below. Note,  unstable policies are suppose break without much effort, besieging a planet shouldn't be needed. Maybe something more like stealing any technology causes a cascading loss of scientific production for multiple imperial planets  and a majority of your population  becomes anti-science zealots for X turns. 

Policies become available on an empire wide scale but can be applied to the whole empire, multiple worlds, or just one planet if the influence and upkeep cost can be met. 

Policy Example:

Cost X influence initially and X dust per turn to maintain

 Meta stable ship building policy - [Advanced Factory Flow] Ships production time decreases by 15% if the previous ship is of the same type stacks 4 times  for max 60% production time decrease. Buff resets upon building different ship type 

failure criteria - [Break the Supply Line] planet must have trade route that isn't raided 4 times during the policy's lifetime. 

Outcome upon policy failure - [Unreliable Industry] -  The next 10 ships this planet builds take 2-5 extra turns to build based on ship class

Outcome upon policy's successful end - [Shipwright Masters] - These shipbuilders have become revered among your empire's spacers. They trust these ships to do the job and bring them home alive. Ships built on this planet gain +10 accuracy and +5 morale 

Updated 8 years ago.
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