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Custom Ground Battles

Ground Battles

8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 9:55:48 PM

How about you get the option to train ground troups in a way that gives them pros and cons to each option you get, or maybe even add some skills to heroes?

For example, you can customize your ground troups to be able to combat tactics or even other troop types.

For example, a soldier only army specialized in infiltration would be better equipped to defend against an infiltration attempt against a planet, and gain a special bonus against infantry and air, but gain a significant disadvantage to armor

Likewise they would be able to attack a system more effectivelly if the option "Defend System" is selected etc etc

I like the ground battles as they are, but I would like them to be more interesting to watch and have more strategy on them than just "blitz and skip". 

Updated 4 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 28, 2016, 1:35:34 PM

or something like a guerilla tactic?

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