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Abbility to "Hide" construction-project not suitable for a given system/planet

System ManagementGUI

8 years ago
Jan 4, 2017, 11:49:45 AM

Hi all,

This is a feature which I always long for when playing 4x-games. Each time a city/system/planet or whatever, has finished its build-queue I am prompted to choose a new project (i.e. buildings and units). However, there are projects that I dont want to build, and never will build in that system/city because they are not suitable for that system/city or I don't use them in the current strategy. For instance, in endless legend, if I have a city which I dont want to specialize as a commercial city, I dont want to build the commercial buildings. But each time I am prompted so select a new build project I have to rethink my strategy or planneing for that city (unless I remember it, which I generally dont).

So I suggest the ability to "Hide" or in another way "Mark" projects that i consider not suitable, so I don't have to rethink each time whether the projects are appropriate for that city or for my strategy.

Perhaps have an additional tab in the construction-window titled "Hidden".



Updated 14 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

it is a very good idea, but normally it is not the way we do it. if the building is not fitted in gp terms to that system, then it could be hidden, if it could work but not be optimal then it is shown. letting the player update the queue to his desire leading to an interface customization is not our approach so far, thus allowing us to keep the interface as simple as possible.


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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

it is a very good idea, but normally it is not the way we do it. if the building is not fitted in gp terms to that system, then it could be hidden, if it could work but not be optimal then it is shown. letting the player update the queue to his desire leading to an interface customization is not our approach so far, thus allowing us to keep the interface as simple as possible.
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8 years ago
Feb 10, 2017, 6:57:44 PM

Hi SpaceTroll and thanks for the feedback!

I just want to clarify my idea so that there is no confusion of what I am suggesting. I did not fully understand your reply as you where talking of "players customizing the interface" and something about "updating the queue".

My suggestion does not involve player customization of the interface and it does not involve the build queue so therefore I would like to clarify, using endless space 1 as an example:

When a system (lets call it system A) has reached the end of its build-queue I am prompted to choose another build-project. Now, there are many build projects available to choose from, especially if I have discovered several techs before the current build queue was finished. So to each of the available projects I have to decide whether I want to build them or not. There are alot of projects I don't want to build because I don't value them enough. 

Some I can quickly decide if I want to build or not. For instance, I do not want to build defense-buildings (such as "Hardened Framing" and "Stealth Construction") if system A is not on the border to another civilization. So I have to check whether system A is on the border. Quickly done of course, but if I have 40 systems, and each time I am prompted to choose a new project I have to check if the system is on the border it takes time. 

There are however projects that require more thought too if I want to build them or not. Take for instance "Endothermic Structures" (The one giving +2 population to tiny planets and +1 to small). Now I have to check how many tiny and small planets I have in the system and I also have to check the output of the population on these planets to see if I value "Endothermic Farming" high enough to build it. 

There are projects that require alot of thoughts as if I want to build them. Take for instance "Wasteless Supply chain" (It gives +food per population. But the amount differs depending on planet type). Now I have to check which planets benefits from Wasteless supply chain, count the number of population on each of these and multiply it with the correct bonus and then weight it agains the production cost.

All these thought processes are of course fine, making decisions is what the game is about. My problem is that next time system A has finished its production queue I am again prompted to select a new project. Now unless I remeber my planning from last time I chooes project for system A (which I generally dont when I have a large empire) I once again have to make the same decision all over again. I again have to decide whether I want to build Hardened defense, Stealth construction, Endothermical Structures, Wasteless Supply Chain and so on.

So what I am suggesting is one of the following:

1 - Introduce a fourth tab (there are now three, one for all build projects, one for unit projects and one for improvements) that is called "Hidden". I add projects to this tab, for instance by dragging them or shift+lmb or clrt+lmb. The project is then moved to the tab "Hidden" where I can find it again should I run out of build projects or want to reconsider my earlier decisions.

2 - If adding another tab is to cluttering for the interface then maybe a simple shift+lmb on the project that I don't want to build renders the icon greyed-out. Then next time I am to choose a build project for system A I can see that the icon is grey so I know that I have already decided that I don't want to build it.

I hope I clarified my idea. I really think that this idea would ease system-management for large empires without making the interface more complicated.



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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 12:29:06 PM

Oups I posted same idea because i didnt read your.

It's the same.

After many many play hours, it's evident a better ergonomy is needed here.

I remember have same problems in Endless Legends. 

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