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Linking Heroes to Population


8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 4:47:40 PM

Currently hero distribution seems to favour class over race. It would be nice if the academy only issued heros that 'belonged' within your empire; especially considering the great importance that has been given to populations in ES2. This could be determined three ways:

1. The hero's race populates one or more of the planets within one of your systems.

2. You are in at peace with or in an alliance with the hero's race

3. You are friendly or assisting the hero's race (in the case of minor factions)

Its jarring to be offered two lumaris heros and one vodyani in your first hero selection, especially when you havn't even encountered either of these races yet.

The way this would usually work is - say your playing as the sophons - you'd usually be offered two sophon heros and a harosham hero, atleast in the early game. If youve formed a peace agreement with the horatio, and your assisting the mavros, theres a chance that they may be offered to you are one of the three choices. If the Cravers have migrated to your planet, or you have taken over a craver planet, you may perhaps be offered a craver hero.. etc etc

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 6:40:27 PM

I disagree with you on this actually. Once the academy is known, you should be able to get a hero from any race there. Its a common meeting ground for all factions, not just those you have a good relationship with. I do like your idea about getting a hero when you capture a planet. Maybe the governer of that planet is captured along with the planet. Maybe completing minor faction quests could offer you a hero too. 

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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 6:47:36 PM

Maybe a middle ground would be adding a button that allows you to wait a couple of turns to find a hero that is a little more suitable. I understand the lore of the academy but that doesn't change the fact that these heros need to be accepted and respected within the empire they are employed by. 

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