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Space Battle Spectating

Space BattlesMultiplayer

8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 5:11:47 AM

Pretty self explanatory. Endless Legend allowed spectating of battles, which was especially entertaining when playing with friends. Will there be an ability to spectate a friend's space battle in ES2?

Updated 9 days ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 6:13:36 AM

Cool idea, albeit pointless; the combat system utilized in ES2 has you pick your tactics/movements before the battle begins, meaning that even if you are the one in battle, watching the battle unfold is just a waste of time as everything is predetermined. I do understand the aesthetic looks great and watching every single battle could be entertaining, but the way the battle system is currently designed the option to "watch" is really just for shits,gigs and screenshots, aside from the fact that in an MP game you would be wasting everybodies time just so you can watch what is technically a cut scene.

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