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Removing the population type from the slot

PopulationSystem ManagementFactions

8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 3:13:05 PM

The idea is to constantly remove 1 unit of population from the system.

There should be an option to get population slot freed. That will cost dust, decrease approval of non-militarists race for several turns, increase militarists party influence  and give you empty population slot in exchange for the one occupied it before.

Updated 4 months ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 4:07:00 PM

Implementing the very unpopular 'Racial Purity' policy, Martial Law, or similar. The Horatio can use the Genetic Alteration Lab to beautify some 'lesser' race, so perhaps brutal purging should be an option for the other Factions? I think if this is implemented, the detrimental impacts should go beyond the player's empire and also impact their standing with other non-militarist Factions. The negative approval should threaten immediate rebellion in systems with that population type.

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8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 4:24:01 PM

Implementing the very unpopular 'Racial Purity' policy, Martial Law, or similar. The Horatio can use the Genetic Alteration Lab to beautify some 'lesser' race

Theese methods would provide the nessesary result if player wants to get rid of minor factions, but now the player has no way kill some of the starting population 

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8 years ago
Feb 16, 2017, 2:46:16 PM

What about the production queue item 'exotic rations' (or some name like that)?  This offers a percent chance of removing the original pop, converting it to manpower.  I like that we can't target the removal of a pop of specific race right now, tho I suppose it may not be realistic, since some governments have made it a mission to remove a particular race from their domain.

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 6:36:36 AM

I like the idea, but it should definitely be balanced by steep negatives; unless, of course, you've got the appropriate government installed. For some reason, I'm thinking a Theocracy would be pretty okay with this. 

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