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Minor factions population growth

LawsPopulationMinor Factions

8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 3:38:44 PM

The religious political party has "Racial purity act", but it would be nice also to have one more law.

"Independent sattelite systems.

On the systems, where the race was assimilated, only this race population can increase".

Which means no other race will appear on such systems while this law is active.

Updated 7 days ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 3:53:10 PM

That would be great, especially for the Horatio, as they try to gain enough genetic critical mass to splice the useful genes into the beautiful race. 

Also useful if any of the ideas about giving more importance to Minor Races get implemented, such as their ship designs, etc.

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