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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 2:43:33 AM

You should be able to build space station on asteroid belt that you can build space ships or build trade stations on them to gain the bonus to a "link" system. The "link" system would be the system that would build the station and maintain it. it could also help directly with space battles, maybe not as a direct contender but would provide a bonus to ships there and could also be a blocking point to other ships running though there.

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:24:29 PM

 Mar 2 @ 5:52pm 

To get some idea of starbases, you can look at Gal Civ 3. I think it would encourage more strategic gameplay if they were only available to be built on certain strategic deposits instead of in every system/planet. As for modules, you can decide whether to upgrade them according to a "jack of all trades, master of none" or specialize deeply in a certain area.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:22:54 PM

I had a similar Idea posted on Steam Threads... Hoping to get the attention of developers, and someone suggested I share my idea here... SO... here goes. I'm going to copy/paste the discussion that has been going on, with out biased to ANY comments of the others on the discussion, so there will be a lot of comments coming... DON'T SHOOT ME!! 

I like detailed descriptions because I believe they paint a far better picture in one's head, so my ideas come out VERY detailed!!!

Idea for Developers...

STARBASES!! We have our selves a Space Farring game withOUT Orbital Starbases? Why? How... could this be possible?

So I'd like to suggest an idea...I hear their "COULD" be an expansion release soon with a new race involved? Lets assume they will be introducing OTHER mechanics into the game besides another alien race??

I'd like to suggest Orbital Starbases!!

Maybe first develop (within the game, having entire idea developed upon release, to be clear) Civilian Starbases, with very few Tactical arrays, not much for defending. Starbases start off smaller, as they grow through development. Smaller sizes have fewer Structural attachments. Like designing Ship vessels or something, you have modules. Starbases could have Modules as well. Through research tree, you open up greater levels to the Starbase. Each level adds NEW module slots, as well as more HP per starbase. Starbase starts off as a qued construction on a specific Planet. Each planet could only limit to ONE Starbase, however, system is limited to however many planets within, and thus bigger systems with more planets have more Starbases.

All the Starbases within the System (say a star system with 3 planets, an Industrial favored planet, a military favored planet, and a Science favored planet), are combined in Combat, as seperate vehicle platforms within combat. SO, if player has 1 Civilian Starbase from Sci planet, and 2x Military Starbases from the other two planets, any Enemy fleet entering system risks combat with all Starbases. Any ships on same side of starbases ALSO are involved with same combat. Attacking fleets may have to CONTEND with enemy ships aswell as enemy starbases. THIS... changes everyones tactics and strategies. However... ONLY military Starbases with Proper modules installed can Hold enemy ships within the starbase, same as have starships in system on Defense/Blockade, stop any enemy ships from passing for one turn. The proper Military class starbase with proper Module installed, can accomplish this without any ships in system. Without such, Starbases can not stop passing enemy vessels, on being present to defend system should enemy attack.

More to idea in comments below... If anyone likes? Dislikes, Please share ideas you have for/against idea. Also if you like... lets get some (+) on thread to help get developer attn!! 


So... As I already clarified. Each System is limited to howmany Planets within system = to how many starbases system can hold. Also, if it wasn't clear, each planet starts the construction on the planet, and one of two Classification of the Starbase must be decided; Military or Civilian Starbase. So the player must decide what Starbase orbits what planet, though all starbases within system are available to defend system in combat.

So lets discuss each Classification.

If you are building a Civilian starbase, you can add various Civilian jobs/modules to the Starbase. Science. Dust. Trade. Production (maybe this production bonus only applies to the Planets need for buildings, and structures? Civilian ships? not Military vessels? or maybe it applies to all production, as building ships is not necesarely a military task, and bonus applies to system.) Approval Modules. Influencial Modules. And as needed, VERY FEW Tactical modules, or none! Maybe limited to Anti-Squad cannons, and add more Defense (HP / Shields), maybe repair... maybe these modules can be combined as options among the rest of Module slots, so building any limited military, takes away the slots from the Civilian Modules. Concerning Any Civilian module, maybe have NO Limit to any type of module. So if First level Starbase may hold, 6 modules, lets just say. If player wanted, can build all Six modules as Science Labs, and the starbase will provide a HUGE Science bonus to the planet, and system, with nothing else coming out of Starbase. Nuetral module types can also be installed, for either Class Starbase. Population Housing, for instance could be one, each adding 1 pop to the planet Pop cap, which would live on starbase, but be counted on Planet. So, a Starbase could have all Population Housing Modules, and nothing else, increasing the Planets capacity! Another Nuetral, could be adding HP (not as a defensive module), more like adding Structural Integrity, making the Structure having more HP, allowing it to survive longer.

ANYTHING on any Starbase reflects the survivability of the Starbase. So if the starbase is destroyed in combat, the planet loses whatever bonus come from Starbase. Population. Science. Production. What ever modules were installed, are lost, with it's destruction.

Military Starbase would have a little bit different Task. As I already clarified, research and growth of Starbase will allow more space to develop more modules. These starbases could increase in HP and Pop as well, through the Nuetral Modules I mentioned above. These Starbases could build ANY military Tech the Race has discovered through the Research tree for Military ships. Beams, Lasers, Kinetic, and Missile turrets can all be installed as seperate modules. Shields, armor, and anyother Support module can also be installed. Maybe support modules which benefit "FRIENDLY" vessels in system can also be installed. Combat repair bots for example, so as long as Said Starbase has Repair bots Modulel installed, the ships defending same space as the Starbase can get small repairs, surviving longer, in a fight.

Other Support modules, such as Shield Generator for friendly ships, Energy instensifier to project Ships' energy beams, increase targetting chances on Starbase, are just some Ideas.

Of course, with later technology, having Squadron platforms built as modules on Mililtary Starbase could be awesome!! Fighters and Bombers coming off the star base for the fight! The more the marrier for defending itself, and system.

Other ideas. As I mentioned above, with proper Modules installed, the Military Starbase can prevent passing enemy ships from leaving... So a Engine Thrust Disruptor can be installed as one module on Military Starbase. Such module prevents any enemy vessels from leaving system for one Turn. If the Starbase has MORE of these Engine Disruptors installed, each one prevents the enemy from leaving for same amount of turns = to how many those Disruptors are installed.

Counter the ability. Engine Dampening field can be installed. Slows the progress of ANY enemy, or unfriendly ship, from it's approach to the system where that module is installed. So, where an Enemy fleet movement is 10 specs /turn, 1 dampening field could slow down the approaching fleet by 1-2 specs. So more Modulels, more loss of movement approaching that Starbase/System.

Another idea for a Nuetral Module, could go on either star base, Scanning Array module! Increase the Visual Range surrounding the System, from the starbasse with a scanning array.

For Military Starbase, maybe you can install Reinforcement Modules. So these provide MORE reinforcements to defending the planet, which maybe are used to Increase how much Troops are involved in Defending? Or Simply, just increase the number of reinforcements that are on standbye. Difference of; 700/700 troops defending + 100 more per modulel (or more), vs, 2000 reinforcements waiting to resupply the defensive lines +100 more (again, or more) to add to that Reinforcement count, per module.

Another module on Military, could be Targeting array. Maybe a targetting array first requires an Engine Disruptor first installed. The Targeting array allows ALL starbases to ATTACK enemy vessels which are Stuck in system as result of the Engine Disruptor. Without the Targetting Array Module on ONE of the starbases orbiting, the starbases can NOT attack any enemy vessel passing through, only there as a Defensive measure if enemy attacks the system.

However. Even though these Starbases may not be able to ATTACK passing enemy fleets... SHOULD any Friendly Fleet in system initiate their Attack on enemy, all Starbases within same Fleet are involved in same Combat...

Maybe another Module idea for Military Starbase... An Alliance Combat Command Center (ACCC). So maybe Your system, Your starbases (of course), but you currently have NO Fleets of your own in system. Your Ally has a fleet. An enemy of your alliance enters system. Your Ally ATTACKS the enemy. With a ACCC, when the Alliance ships attack the Enemy Ships, your starbases are also involved in the same combat, as if they were with your own fleet. Either, they control your starbases, or maybe they are on auto control, simply attacking any enemy vesel within it's range, during the fight between Ally and Enemy ships in your space. In this case, ANY Combat Support modules installed on Military Starbases, will also support, benefit ANY Ally fighting in system, with the ACCC installed. So shield recharging for instance would benefit the Ally ships.

In all, concerning EITHER starbase class, maybe allow 8 Levels to the Starbase. Each Level is built upon the Starbase chosen as a Production from the Planet Surface with so many Production pts needed, on the Starbase Orbitting it. The growth from each level is different for either class starbase, just to be more unique in it's developement, however having the same amount at max level. Both can reach Level 8 Starbase, maxing out at 24 Modules a peice. For Civilian, they start with less, but grow more at the end, the Civilian L1 starts with 5 modules, and each subsquent Level built, adds the next., (L2) +4, (L3) +3, (L4) +2, (L5) +1, (L6) +2, (L7) +3, (L8) +4 = 24 total @ L8 civilian. For the Military Starbase, it starts with more, and gradually reduces per level, also maxing out at 24 modules at L8; (L1) +6, (L2) +5, (L3) +4, (L4) +3, (L5 & L6) +2, +2, (L7 & L8) +1, +1= 24 total for L8 Military. Defense of systems obviously higher priority shown there.

Maybe each new level automatically ADDS HP. For both Class, a starbase starts with a Base HP of 3000 HP. Each subsequent level, it gains another 500 to the HP gained; (L2) +3500, (L3) +4000, (L4) +4500, and so on, +5000, +5500, +6000, +6500 which = 38,000 BASE HP for a L8 Starbase! This can be increased even more depending on what Modulels gets installed at each level! Slightly harder to destroy than the subsequently equal level ships. The idea, changing the tactics of combat within systems, requiring massive Armada's, of advanced starships, inorder to attack heavely defended, armored, Starbases!

Also, having multiple Starbases in Systems, modules combine for stacked effects. If you have 2x Engine Interuptor Modules on 2 different Military Starbases within ONE system, than enemy ships are stalled in that system for 2x turns. Likewise. IF 2 different Starbases both have one Engine Dampening Modules, than any ENEMY approaching fleets are slowed by 2x-4x movement pts /turn, depending if those slow -1 or -2 turns per module. Recharging Modules could stack on friendly Starbases, friendly ships recharge even more according to multiple Shield Recharge Modules. Power Modulels stack. Reinforcement modules stack. So if 2x Military Starbases each have 1x Reinforcement, and 2x more Civilian Starbases have 1x more each Reinforcement Modules (if that's included as Nuetral that is), that's 4x Reinforcement Modules of troops ready to defend the Surface when invaded, if those Military are not capable of attacking the enemy before launching invasions.

Many more ideas for starbases can be included for adding Modules. Military CP for defending fleets within systems! Adding Military Manpower, for system, or for Empire. Manpower Modules can also be installed to increase the crews on a Starbase.

Many of the module ideas I mentioned can be included later in game, all with subsequent technology unlocking it through research, and/or research DEEDs.

An idea for late game Starbase module, Warp Channels, or Transwarp Conduits, allowing Friendly ships to travel between 2 points much faster!

Maybe requiring ONLY a L7 Military Starbase (remember, L7, and L8 can only add ONE more), could be epic, Interstellar weapons! @ Level 7, can include a Weapon on starbase ONLY capable of delivering payload to other target systems doing large amounts of damage to targets/planets/structures within the system. @ L8, that same Epic Weapon can be upgraded with a second support module boosting the weapon, making it a Starbase Mounted Planet Killer! If it targets a System, it destroys ONE aspect of one Planet within system, unique to what weapon is installed!

If @ L7 Military Starbase, it installs an Epic Kinetic Weapon, than Kinetic Projectile does SOME damage to All structures ON planet Surface of one planet, random. If that L7 Kinetic is upgraded, than @ L8, the Kinetic Weapon destroys all structures on Surface of Target Planet, chosen randomly. @ L7, if an Epic Missile Weapon is installed, it launches a Torpedo which does Some damage to a Starbase on one planet, with splash damage to Any vessel orbiting that System. If that Epic Missile is Upgraded @ L8, than the Torpedo Destroys ONE Starbase, and a percentage of those Ships in systems. If an Epic Beam is installed at L7, it does some damage to the Population on one planet, killing some of the pop. If that L7 Epic Beam is upgrade @ L8, than the Epic Beam kills ALL of the Population on One planet. If a L7 Epic Laser (not beam, as they are diff on ships) is installed, it does SOME damage to the defending Military on One planet, reducing how much is defending the system (percentage depending on how many planets on system). If that Epic Laser is upgraded at L8, than that Epic Laser kills ALLl the defending military from on ONE planet, drastically reducing how much is defending the system (again, percentage).

As you can see... The tactical advatage these L7 & L8 Military Starbases have is balanced in weight by only effecting One planet per shot (not entire system, unlless of course system has only ONE planet, a strategic disadvantage)! However, the Starbase can not fire these Epic weapons every turn! They need time to recharge, reload, cool down, etc. And the assualts also take time to deliver, according to what weapon is delivering. Say the Epic Torpedo (Missile) travels 1-2 sec's per turn. So farther away the target, the longer the payload takes. Maybe the Beam (effecting pop), has instant lock, but takes so many turns before it's done it's max damage (for level) (as if delivering Radiation to target), and than shuts down and take so many turns to recharge. Maybe the Laser (hitting the defending troops) takes LONGER to charge up, instantly delivering it's Burst, which also takes time to hit, but is delivered all in one, slower than the torpedo. And the Kinetic, maybe fires 3x subsequent artillary shells over 3x subsequent turns, with the third delivering the final damage for max effect, at either level, but than takes long time to "cool down and reload".

All three can ALSO be defended against, reducing HALF the damage done per Defensive Module. The Defensive modules are Also installed as L7 or L8 modules. Again, only on military Starbases, which, only allow +1 Modules per Lvl, so one must CHOOSE what goes on that St

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 15, 2018, 5:35:13 PM

you could set them up on the asteroid fields and black holes and areas of the constelation that cannot be colonized.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 2:16:33 AM

yea giving us a staging area, or a controllable point that is not a planetary body to let us grow our influence or something sounds wonderful, there could also be trading posts and other things to help connect constelations an other things of the sort.

Updated 8 years ago.
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