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Super Happy Fun Land! (Concentration Camps)

GovernmentElectionsPopulationPoliticsSystem Management

8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 2:57:12 AM

While a dictator you should be able to "Root out the weak" and find populations that are on the opposite political party as you are and you can build labor camps witch prevents voting and boost there production ,however, after 10 turns or so they will "Disappear" or if released will absolutely destroy the happiness rating of the system or even the Empire.   

Updated 3 months ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 3:14:54 AM

Sounds like holocaust style concentration camps only with a focus on political opposition rather than genetic superiority.  Such a move is bound to create more oposition within the planet sphere and possibly across the empire.  You would need to devote resources into squashing local opposition and preventing the information from spreading to your other planets.  A good implementation would require you to guess on a turn by turn basis at how many resources it will require and spend those resources into it.  The actual amount required would be defined randomly each turn and remain unspecified to the player.  Only success or failure on a turn by turn basis would be reported to the player.  Failure would require considerably more resources for damage control and suppression of opposition on other planets in the system and possibly throughout the empire.  Eventually, you would either get it under control (Your "Disappear" state) or suppression would become untenable (Your "Released" state).  Consequences of release should become steadily more severe the longer you have them in forced labor camps. 

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