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Government a catalist for ruling party bonuses


8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 8:50:30 PM

Bonuses should come from the political party and the government should only be a catalist for that.

So for example Industrial Democracy gets +1 industry for each population while Industry Federation gets +10 industry per planet and Industry Dictarorship +20% industry in system.

This makes a lot more interesting choices.

You don't need to have Dictatorship fixed with +25% dust.

You could have a Pacifist Dictatorship that would grant +25 approval on all systems.

A lot of interesting choices to be made here if we make the leading party provide bonuses.

In case of governments where you have multiple parties in control then bonuses could be divided.

For example democracy provides +2 [something] on each population.

If your democracy is 51-100% in the hands of a single party then they get all the bonus.

If not then 2 out of the 3 parties that make up the government split the bonus.

For example ecologists provide Food bonus and industry an Industry bonus.

So you get +1 Food and +1 Industry for each population member (yes this would need to be balanced).

For example ecologists provide Food bonus and militarists a Manpower bonus.

And you get +1 Food and +3 manpower production  for each population member

(+1 for Manpower is not a lot and should be more)

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 9:16:16 PM

I like this, so the nature of the bonus is made up in two parts: the type of resource is dictated by political party, the type of bonus is based off the government type. Very cool idea! 

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