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Change the terms "teeming" and "meager" to something more fitting (and change teeming icon).

Galaxy Generation

8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 10:26:30 AM

In the context of the game the game, these terms are supposed to refer to the abundance (or lack of) life on a planet. However these terms used on their own are vague.

For example; a planet can be 'teeming with life', but a 'teeming planet' doesn't make much sense. The same goes for 'meager'.

I am suggesting replacing these terms with something more precise:

  • Teeming should be changed to 'fertile' or 'verdant'
  • Meager should be changed to 'desolate'

A 'fertile planet' is one that has the potential to support an abundance of life. A 'verdant planet' is one that has an abundance of lush vegetation, with in turn provides food and supports animal life. So I think either term would work just fine. However, it probably would make more sense to change the current fish icon to something more fitting (a sprouting plant?).

A 'desolate planet' evokes images of a barren, rocky landscape; devoid of plants and animals (like Mars). This kind of landscape looks ideal for mining and dust collection, which I believe the term 'desolate' conveys much better than 'meager'. After all, a planet could have 'meager amounts of dust', or 'meager mineral reserves'. It's just a little too imprecise. I think the dead fish/fish bones icon is perfect to convey this idea of desolation. It evokes images of dried up seas, fossils, carrion, mass extinction, hunger. Maybe there was life once?

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 5:46:59 AM

I see Fishes.

I always ask myself why game show me a Fish icon.

It look like a Monty Python joke.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 12:55:29 PM

Yeah, I thought the fish was on odd choice too. First time I saw that icon next to a planet I was like "oh....so I guess this planet has fish on it. Cool.....?" lol :)

I think something like this would work better:

I think the dead fish icon works pretty well though. It's a nice clear visual indicator that a planet's environment is hostile to life.

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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 6:30:20 PM

I like this idea. Don't have anything to add, I just want to see this idea go through. 

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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 9:56:56 PM

Well I'm not sure if it's just coincidence or someone took notice, but the I noticed in that the official ES2 wiki is now using the terms 'fertile' and 'sterile' to refer to planets. The icons remain the same.  I probably wouldn't have gone with 'sterile', as that implies a planet is completely devoid of life, but I think its an improvement.

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