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Anti-probe defence shield and/or Dark Space technology

ExplorationSystem Management

8 years ago
Nov 19, 2016, 11:41:05 AM

It's really two distinct ideas, but since they are related I thought I'd do a joint write-up.

The aim of both anti-probe defence and Dark Space is to give players a degree of control over the enemy's exploration of your area of influence. 

Anti-probe defence would be a mid-game research tech that allows player to build a system improvement which gives a chance to disrupt another empire's probe entering his system's area of influence. A disrupted probe simply doesn't continue along its distance and the exploring player gets a message that his probe was "suddenly stopped reporting for unknown reason".

Dark Space is an empire-wide late-game research tech that acts as fog of war within your area of influence. Obviously, if you have a map sharing agreement, the parties to this agreement can see inside the fog of war.

Updated 16 days ago.
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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.



status updated 8 years ago

Please open an idea for each of your suggestions; as both serve the same purpose but through very different means.


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8 years ago
Nov 19, 2016, 2:27:00 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

And now, someone has voted for this one.  So now the votes are split between the 2 identical threads.  So which one should I put my votes to, because until you effectively kill one of your threads, the votes you get for this idea are going to be divided between both your posts.  Giving the wrong/lower indication of how popular your idea appears to be compared to how popular it actually is.  Kill one of your threads and PM me to let me know which thread I should apply my votes to.

I'll just keep the one with more votes to make it easier. Changed the other thread as you suggested so can upvote this one in confidence. Cheers :)

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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 12:17:29 AM

It would be good to actually be able to kill the goddamn probes, I got totally spammed by AI in a game, u can know everything by probespamming right now, it's nuts :P

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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.



status updated 8 years ago

Please open an idea for each of your suggestions; as both serve the same purpose but through very different means.

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8 years ago
Dec 8, 2016, 7:32:15 PM

This is an interesting idea, though I can't upvote it yet because the Devs want more clarity in the proposal. (that says to me that they're interested in it...)

Because blocking enemy probes from scouting out your territory is a somewhat niche ability, I propose the following additions/changes to your idea:

Dark Networks - Tier 2 technology that unlocks two things:

Empire improvement - reduces enemy ship and probe sight distance within your empire's area of influence

System improvement - blocks rival ships from exploring curiosities in this system, and destroys rival probes when they enter system area of influence, low upkeep, militarist/scientist ideology boost. (call it signal fog generator, or border security or something)

Directed Scrambler Infrastructure - Tier 3 technology that unlocks two things: 

Empire improvement - reduces the strength of rival empire Influence borders on empire influence borders (essentially defense against more powerful influence generation)

Empire Improvement - reduces rival probe speed, vision, and durability when within your empire's area of influence

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 9:36:39 PM

To be honest, I'm not sure if throwing this idea out (together with its G2G votes) and starting two new ones from scratch is worth it. There are 340+ ideas now and it's likely to get lost. Both ideas highlight the same mechanic (enforced fog of war) so it's just the question of what's more in line with the devs' own vision.

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