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Auto Upgrade SHIPS

Ship DesignGame options

8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 5:26:22 AM

This suggestion should be made not only in Endless Space 2, but also in your others games.

I proposed it for Endless Legend, but it was lost in the old forum.

First add 2 options for the game :

- Auto update Models YES/NO.

- Auto upgrade Ships - % ressources threeshold (a listbox with a number 0 - 100).

Why there is an Huge Need here :

Many times in the game, player get new levels of modules, when reaching an Military era, or complete research of weapons.

It make this ............ become this :

And same for each others modules.

So player need to individualy change all modules.

Player have to do it each time there is a change (and it happens many times).

Making this ship ....................................................... become this one :

And doing that for EACH ship, with some with many many more modules, in a list like this in middle/late game :

Problems with that :

- It's useless micromanagement. A lot of clicks for something obvious.

- There is no added value, it's brainless.

- It's repetitive and time consuming.

- Real moment when a player want to make a ship design is when he want to choose appropriate modules for a model. 


------------------ SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING THAT --------------------------


If the - Auto update Models YES/NO option - is YES, then the game automaticaly create new models each time a power change is detected for modules.

All models auto update with better version of modules they already have equiped.

Example, this ................ auto become this :

If the - Auto upgrade Ships - % ressources threeshold (a listbox with a number 0 - 100) - is set with a value > 0, then the game will propose to upgrade all ships.

- A button have to be added in a screen (galaxy view for example).

- The game autodetect all ships in a situation to be upgraded (in any player system).

- Aside the button, the game indicate total ressources needed to be spendt for doing all the upgrade.

If the player click on this button, what happens :

- The game will auto upgrade all ships he can.

- AI upgrade as many ships possible, but if there is missing ressources, then there is some missing upgrade. AI have to choose what ships upgrade first.

- AI don't spendt more ressources than the "Ressource threeshold pourcentage".

Example, if my Dust total is 10k, and my threeshold is 70%, then AI can spendt up to 7k dust for doing the autoupgrade, but no more.

This threeshold apply also on others ressources.

Updated 3 days ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 27, 2017, 6:31:28 PM

Yes, this feature is a must have!

This was in a first Endless Space and it was a very well made there. Just a simple button in a ship design window which upgraded the installed components to the latest design.

The upgrade ships in a queue -button in a all ship designs window also helped a lot for redusing the micromanagement. You didn't need to go through your every systems which were building ships and cancel the current queue and then try to remember what were you building there.

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