Introduction : as many people, I dislike ES2 battle system for one reason, there is nothing you can really do for changing issue of a battle like you can do in Endless Legend. So the only things to do is to AutoBattle, and get victory by using a more powerfull fleet. It's not difficult to choose a battle cards according the fleet (near always the same, depending of range ships of the fleet).
The choice of one strategic card like this is not too bad, even it's most of the time an obvious choice, but I'm not here for telling it should be deleted.
My proposition is a bit iconoclastic, but as the game speak of using a "card" from a "deck", I should say, it's not really a card, and not at all a deck. But make that real, and make a real Battle card game in the 4x game !
Here the player will try to collect cards in the galaxy, and upgrade his playing-cards possibility with appropriate researchs in the tech tree.
Mini card duel (3 turn).
As main strategy use the strategic card, the battle will use tacticals cards.
Cinematic is cut at 3 moments : when player play cards (it's not real time card game !).
Possible Effects : depending cards played, cinematic will change, providing more diversity.
- At each range turn player can play 1 to 4 cards (depending of tech research) and have a hand choice of 3 to 6 cards (depending of tech research).
- Hand is randomly filled from a 12-24 cards deck (depending of hand size allowed).
- At end of each turn, player can discard any card, then draw until hand is full.
Cards management
- There is hundred of cards ! Like in a real collectible card game !
- Cards can be collected, find when exploring.
- Some Cards can be buy/sold on market (recquire tech research).
- Cards have a rarity = chances to be find while exploring.
- Cards can be exchange in diplomatic options.
- There is limited number of same card in the deck (3). Some cards are uniques (only one in the deck).
- Cards have a power value. Like that, a basic card can exist with an more powerfull version. But player need a tech research for reaching possibilitys to use more powerfull cards. Card power is distinct than his rarity.
- Cards could get % chance to success. Effect and chance depending of card power. It's just a proposition of gameplay.
- Player can make many decks, then assign a deck to a flotilla.
- By default, player get a standard 12 cards deck at beginning (some crappys cards).
Example of cards :
Level 1
Success : 50%
If at close range, destroy 1 enemy random weapon module before fight.
Post combution
Level 2
Sucess : 60%
Target escouade fight one range closer.
Misguiding strike
Level 3
Success : 50%
long and medium range weapons enemy fire on your ship are redirected on his own short range ship if there is anyone close.
Repair (can be a standard base card)
Level 1
Success : 100%
Heal target escouade +10 to 20 hp each ship.
Coordinator surge
Level 2
Success : 75%
Next card you play get +20% of success.
Draw another card, you can play one more card this turn.
I don't know enough the behind of the scene of actual ES2 battle, so I can't say if effects here are corrects. But it's the idea, there is thousands of possibilitys, and it can make a Deckbuild card game inside the game.
As I love cards games like that, I would be happy to use that. But maybe it can hurt some purists. Cards represents here availables tactics.
Anyway, this game look ever like a card game, Improvements to build look like cards in the box.
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