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Diversifying the possibilities for outposts

System Management

8 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 7:32:35 PM

I started playing the game a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it.

I thought about developping more possibilities for outposts. Right now an outpost is just a transition beetween a colonizer ship and a new colony and you reach your overcolonization limit there is no real use anymore, except for lumeris. What if we could have more options to use them, still based on a 10 turn duration and at the cost of dust, influence and/or manpower, that would slow down or even stop the colonization process but would grant other strategic benefits.

For example :

_ you create an outpost on an uninteresting system but with a good tactical benefits, you build a satellite or radar infrastructure just to keep it in your vision range

_ you create an outpost near an rival territory of a faction you're at war with and you build a military base to repair your ships (like with a amical minor faction), even to build new ones there, or to block an rival colonization in process in the same system

_ going on with the military aspect you transform your outpost in an weaponised facility that would give you bonuses during space battles in this system or deal damage to ennemy ships which pass by, or even support you when you invade a nearby system (kinda like a "death star" thing) or could be used as diplomatic way of pressure

_ you build a simple ressource extractor that would take only a bit of the ressources on the planet

_ you build a 'bagne' (a sort of jail in french) or 'goulag' that would absorb and contain some of your factionwide disapproval or political opposition


Thanks for reading.

Updated 24 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 3, 2017, 9:08:54 AM

Good ideas here. Not agree to give outpost ability to build ships, but agree with the rest. This makes sense to have just an, outpost.

In case of mining you can also make optional to turn into a colony when reaches the needed criteria, this way you can just have mining outpost in case you have too much approval penalties from expansion.

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8 years ago
Apr 4, 2017, 6:50:00 AM

The outpost could build ships, but only with 1 cp, so only small ships. and with increased price.

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8 years ago
Apr 7, 2017, 3:42:59 AM

i really like your ideas,

Just wanted to add a simple one, adding a trade subsidary to create longer eairler trade routes

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8 years ago
Apr 7, 2017, 7:41:57 AM

I like the idea to create an outpost for other reasons than just colonization.

An outpost can be a military building making another player can't colonize the planet. So it could be a good tactical choice to build many outpost everywhere, for slowing down opponent expansions.

When building an outpost, player could get a listbox of choices (depending of differents modules he put on the ships building the outpost) :

- Colonization

- Guard

- Trade

- Exploit (could exploit strategic or luxury resource, or even FIDS but without possibility to get any population growing)

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