So here I put an idea I've got this morning about senate & luxury sink.
It's also one way to fix the lategame more-or-less 16% influence to each of the 6 political parties, giving access only to "small 100 laws" because of low support.
tl;dr : Support the Sophon lobby, you'll get some cookies :p
=> you could buy some influence with luxury ressources you give to political factions in senates. Any senates : yours, allies', or ennemies'.
This idea is a cousin of the "Destabilize the Senate of other Factions with Lobbyists/Spies/Emissaries/Heroes" idea ( but with luxury ressources.
Here's the details:
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:Kynrael wrote:Hi again!
Pejman wrote:I just think we need to adress how luxury should be used to make this mparketplace feel usefull (I mean that luxuries don't flow like strategic ressources (you will always need more strategic to build troops, but luxuries are just tied to your number of systems, i really liked EL luxury system and i belive we could mix both ES2 and El syustems in making the system developement open "luxury ressources slots" that allox us to use luxuries in our system (the number of luxury used by turn will then be determined by the number of system that have this level of developpement) this will allow luxuries to flow instead of stockpiling to absurd amount (thanks to the trade routes)
We are currently thinking about what useful feature we could have as a Luxury sink, but with an asymmetry of use to avoid players just hoarding all the kinds of Luxuries, and thus increase trade :)
If you're looking for sinks, you could give those to the senate for senate actions. Boosting influence should be great endgame, because endgame suffers from 6 parties @ +/- 16.6666% influence. This means that @16%, only small laws are unlocked.
Lobby those militarists with some wine so they get influence for X turns, getting the power and/or put laws you could not have under a certain %.
Or corrupt those ennemy's scientist so they do wrong stuff, like getting the power in an ennemy senate.
Each luxury paid like this would be 2x an amount.
In case of giving those to your people to buy a boost for you, you would loose 2x amount for an effect (depending of the used luxury, buying influence base points, % point, and last tier of luxury I did not see yet in my game, like the effects for colonization blueprints.).
In case of giving it to an ennemy to buy a nerf for them, the ennemy get 1x amount and the other part is lost ? (so they could retialiate and propagate the same idea you're giving to their senate, but to a limit. So ok, you say I'm peacefull, no problem, I'll do the same to you and everyone gets peacefull now).
Amount just controls the number of active turns for those boost/nerfs.
If you've got some questions, don't hesitate : I'm a very talkative person. \o/
I did not spoke about costs.
It seems to be logical that this would need some empire points.
It's also seem to be logical that this is some sort of diplomatic warfare.
I think this would be a nice addition to the game : my point of vue is that a strategy focused in diplomacy (thus maybe food somehow ?) should be able to defend themselves.
You could go very very far with this idea. We can imagine that a player could lobby an ennemy senate faction in secret. Getting no luxury back, the ennemy could only know that there was an aggresion with counterspies or with an inquiry (cost some ). If discovered, the ennemy gets a bigger part of used luxuries, nerf the incriminated party and can retaliate (for exemple).
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