As we have the technologies to construct terraformations, I consider there should be some options to construct anomalies, or artificial anomalies, to get planet modifications.
Each planet should have a limit to have only one anomaly. But because of this limit, there should also be options to construct a purge to total remove an anomaly, and then construct a new one.
And these should be very expensive and advanced tech, it may settled in tier V techs.
And I wonder if there is available now to make a mod that could do so.
I have noticed that you have classified the anomalies in the "AnomalyDefinitions.xml" . And we have "ConstructibleElement_AnomalyReductions.xml" , but it will be complex to classify how to add or remove an anomaly to a planet. And create a new .xml would also be a mess.
Anyone who also have ideas of this plz leave a comment.
Academy Shadow
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