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Constructible or Artificial Anomalies

System ManagementResearchModdingGame options

8 years ago
May 24, 2017, 1:09:21 AM

As we have the technologies to construct terraformations, I consider there should be some options to construct anomalies, or artificial anomalies, to get planet modifications.

Each planet should have a limit to have only one anomaly. But because of this limit, there should also be options to construct a purge to total remove an anomaly, and then construct a new one.

And these should be very expensive and advanced tech, it may settled in tier V techs. 

And I wonder if there is available now to make a mod that could do so. 

I have noticed that you have classified the anomalies in the "AnomalyDefinitions.xml" . And we have "ConstructibleElement_AnomalyReductions.xml" , but it will be complex to classify how to add or remove an anomaly to a planet. And create a new .xml would also be a mess.

Anyone who also have ideas of this plz leave a comment. 

Updated 10 days ago.
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8 years ago
May 25, 2017, 9:57:17 AM

Nice idea; with nearly limitless resources and close to absolute power over our empires I'm amazed we can't do this already. ("What do you mean you don't want us to build gigantic floating habitats that blot out the sun, directly over your property? Were you given the impression that we care?")

Some ideas could be:

  • Filling the atmosphere with aphrodisiacs to increase birth rates.
  • Carving gigantic holes into the planet's core and using them to house industrial complexes and our slav... err... I mean citizens.
  • Turning an entire planet into an ecumenopolis, or perhaps a hive world, a la Warhammer 40k. This would probably cripple food production but allow for more pops, and more science/commerce.
  • Messing with a planet's atmosphere, for science
  • Genetically altering a planet's fauna and flora.
  • Turning an entire planet into a fortress world, and removing anything that detracts from this purpose. (Perhaps even the athmosphere, forcing the population to live in sealed habitats, but boosting the efficiency of my main strategy, i.e., more dakka. (What can I say, the atmosphere got in the way of my lasers of doom.)
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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 3:41:38 AM

Ahh! Thx to ur ideas!

My first idea didnt consider an anomaly must like a terraformation which change the entire planet. We could though science or dust, change a planet into minerals rich or some what.I thought we now alreadly have many good anomaly designs, we could add some more powerful versions to them.

in fact ur idea is how we create a new planet class, or a unique planet for ourselves. Is still wonderful! very thx!

Here i think:

It could be a hallow world (like...eh, a world which its core is completely gears and clockworks?), to access more population slots and better indutry.

And it could be a 'Garden of Eden', which gives more food and approval.

Or a hive of labs? (well a hive world like 40k may look more cool but i think it should be very poor in approval, or should we have both buff and debuff? :P

Artificial Rings maybe another choise, but...ah, i really dislike habitats, we already have an academy, and which is very unique.

And at last, this question may become into "will we be another endlees some day?" :)

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 2:55:52 PM

I like the idea of being able to increase a planets population cap based on planet size maybe? I feel like these would be good candidates for using up excess luxuries too.

These could also have a chance of failure as well. I think with something of this scope that it makes sense.

Trying to carve out your planet to increase living space (Pop cap)? maybe it all comes crumbling down on top of you and you lose a current population or suffer a hit to industry and hapiness on that planet.

I think ES2 can use more things that have a downside to them along with their upside, other than those random events. Like I guess ones that involve player choice to initiate.

Updated 8 years ago.
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