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Double up production queue width, have a ship and a planetary improvement build at the same time

System Management

8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 12:46:24 PM

I think this is one thing which has not been tried yet.

One big choice is that the player is either improving the planet or creating fleets. 

That choice may be a big strategic thing, but also it may have dire consequences in early game for example. 

A bad start may have the player giving up the gameplay in the initial turns, sometimes even a few times in a row, because of a lost ship. 

But if the production queue always had slots for both a planetary improvement and a ship, that could make things more competitive, since the player is always doing two things at once, and even if he loses a ship in a battle, there are more coming out on every planet. 

Initially  would be split hard 50/50 between them, but technologies could eventually allow the player to lean towards one or the other. As a consequence, stuff would take longer to build.

I think it would open up the game strategically, and make it easier to recover from a bad start/battle.

Updated 6 months ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 3:09:02 PM

Hello! I had a very similar idea right here: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/35-multiple-production-slots

I think one of the only differences is that you are saying that the multiple slots should be available from the start, and I am saying they should be unlocked through technology. I'm not sure if I read your idea correctly, are you also saying that the slots should be restricted in what they can produce? So one slot for ships only, and one slot for improvements only?

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8 years ago
Dec 6, 2016, 11:51:53 AM

Exactly, there should be one ship queue and one improvement queue. They both would move by default at half speed because the production would be split between them. 

Eventually techs would enable the player to stop one queue or to slant the production a % towards one or the other. 

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