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Coloured ships

Ship DesignSpace Battles

8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 10:47:37 PM
Can we please have coloured ships? Like, if I am playing UE as purple then my ships will be purple coloured instead of red. Is this feature planned or does it break some kind of lore? It doesnt make much sense for a purple faction to colour all their ships red...
Updated 14 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 8:28:59 AM

I agree on that. Usually I play a kind of blue (since I just like that colour), but after finding out most of the UE's visual are red I switched to that instead...

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 4:41:48 PM
mixerria wrote:

I agree on that. Usually I play a kind of blue (since I just like that colour), but after finding out most of the UE's visual are red I switched to that instead...

I usually play on green and am the same with vodyani, changed to orange.

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