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Possibility to choose flotilla to attack


8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 10:44:40 PM

Right now I'm trying to eliminate Vodyani. Their fleets are orbiting few planets: every time it's one Arc + few Wheels.

  1. if I try to attack them nearby planet X, I have 100% chance to attack exploration ships, wasting my fleet power;
  2. if I try to attack them nearby planet Y (with the same fleet), I have 100% chance to attack an Arc, condemning my fleet to death.

I don't see why it so. If there are some rules that restrict to attack specific fleet (planet type, anomaly, protection order?), I want to know about them. But if there aren't such rules, I want to attack specific fleet from the list, as it goes when I press Attack, and there are fleets of 2 different factions in range.

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 31, 2016, 4:35:47 AM

As far as i know its strongest fleet first. I'm not sure the reasoning behind this rule yet, but I would have to agree.


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8 years ago
Jan 3, 2017, 8:31:31 PM
Diagonal wrote:

As far as i know its strongest fleet first.

I doubt it. In the example, Arc has about 2500 fleet power and Wheel - about 100.

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