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Veteran fleets and researchable WMD

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitaryResearch

8 years ago
Dec 17, 2016, 6:23:16 PM

There's one thing i've noticed about most strategy games is that specific units eventually rank up or properly known as gaining veterancy after doing specific things or destroying set amount of enemies. Veterancy usually comes in 3 phases, with each phase giving small benefits ie. increased accuracy and damage output. If this were implemented into ES2, you could have more ways of gaining veterancy other than combat, with each faction having their own unique ways like UE get faster veterancy through combat and colonizing while Sophons gain them faster by colonizing and discovery. Implementing this system could give players a reward for managing their fleets. (No self-entitled Emperor would pass up for his own personal elite fleet that he could call on if things go down). 

Another thing that bugs me is that there is no WMDs in game yet. Would be nice to have this as an endgame researchable weapon, which can only be mounted on dreadnaughts which sacrifices around 80-90% of its firepower or create an entirely new ship for this purpose. The weapon can be used for fleet to fleet combat or destruction of a planet to deny resources if one can't defend conquered planet. It can only be fired by player decision (similar to how the US president has supreme control over all nukes). This can be done by choosing an option in the pre-battle set up.I fleet vs fleet, using the weapon wouldn't be OHKO (chance of missing some ships) instead it deals set amount of damage where full health dreadnaughts could survive with any ship lower than battleships is instantly destroyed if hit. After using it, the weapon goes on cooldown for set amount of turns. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 17, 2016, 10:13:18 PM

Do you understand that this ship completly unbeatable? Worse than ark on short distance, he can completely beat sh*t outta you before u came too close or rally enough to destroy it?

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8 years ago
Dec 18, 2016, 5:08:35 AM

If you're talking about the veterancy ships, well it doesn't have to be like 50% buff for max veterancy, just a minor buff that would give it an advantage over ships that have a similar setup.

For WMDs, well it would be easy to balance. In a fleetvfleet, the wmd will only fire when the ship armed with it is nearly destroyed or it's the last ship remaining if you gave the permission pre-battle. Should the wmd ship be destroyed it would damage it's allies similar to how destroying super weapons in rts games would destroy any unit close to it. You can also just counter it with another fleet with a wmd. Another way is that there is a limit to how many ships you can create with wmds and assign one and only one per fleet. Obvious way to balance it is the cost of building and time to build, with only the home system being able to build them. So basically to counter them, just have fleets that counter their setup or have your wmds.

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