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Increase Height of Hero Scroll Bar


8 years ago
Dec 22, 2016, 1:14:25 PM

It is hard to scroll left-to-right in the screen showing all heroes in your empire.

I think the height of the bar that controls that scrolling should be increased.

Pretty petty concern, but it's annoying to have to get within a few cm of the line to move the screen to see all your heroes.

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 22, 2016, 3:41:32 PM


I made a post about it with screenshots and all that.

I have myopia with a very low severity and have problems to see this without my glasses, so can't imagine what happens to people with only a mild affection.


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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 12:39:05 PM

This screen have bad ergonomy also. 

The scrool is not easy. The list should be more larger (with high res option).

And each time mouse is over an heros, it need a popup somewhere with a recapitulate of heros bonus/ability.

When I go in the heros list, it's because i want to find one specific heros.

But here, i don't access directly to information I really need.

It means, I have to click on heros, click again on abilitys, go out,go out, retry again with another heros until I found the good one.

All this management is so boring in middle/late game, and I gived up to do it.

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