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Duplicate Ship Models

Major FactionsShip Design

8 years ago
Dec 24, 2016, 7:11:02 PM

I don't think anyone has addressed this but if they have I'm sorry, but I just found it a little odd that all the major factions have that one ship model for two classes, one explorer and one basic military.  I have no problem with it being the same model, but perhaps a re-skin or something so that it would be easier to tell at a glance during a space battle what kind of ship it was?  Also pidgeon-holing the different ship classes into a specific preset kind of takes away from the whole idea of designing your own ships.  One of the wonderful things about the first game was your ability to customize ships however you wanted.  If you wanted small attack carriers or super-giant cannon platforms there was no real restriction based on the class other than a few bonuses to tonnage for certain modules and the like.  I'm sure this was a purposeful design choice but if anyone knows why I was just wondering, thanks for taking your time and reading this!

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 27, 2016, 7:49:12 AM

+1 about using different models for explorer and first attack ship.

About actual module systems, I like it. IMO it's intending to deal with two ES1 main constraints with ship design: small ships had no role in mid or late game and the advantage of galsscannons.

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8 years ago
Dec 28, 2016, 8:48:49 PM

Thanks for the input, I agree to some extent.  It is true small ships had less relevance as far as heavy hitters later in the game in ES1, however I would argue that they did still have a role to play.  Whether as quick-to-build attack craft to slow down an advance, or even as damage soaking expendable ships while your harder hitters remained behind them.  That's just my opinion of course and thanks again for commenting!  I definitely think you have a fair point, hopefully the devs will give both a look and decide which, if any, they like haha.

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