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Multiplayer option : penultimate player makes the end of turn

MultiplayerGame options

8 years ago
Dec 30, 2016, 2:30:05 PM

Multiplayer : the penultimate player to press the end of the turn button also would remotly press the end of turn button of the last player.
Then a new round starts for everyone.

Make the option in MP creation screen so it's not automatic (especially in 2p mode)

If a player is penultimate to press the end of turn (penultimate = not the last player, the one before) then this also presses the end of turn button of the last player.

This is this simple : "sorry bro, ur slow"

That would accelerate the games, because "we are always waiting for that last guy, gosh, I wish he would learn one day".

Updated 19 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 31, 2016, 3:20:50 AM

very interesting idea.  

I do think this would be prone to penalize the most successful player, who has more to manage in terms of fleets and systems.

Perhaps, the penultimate end turn could initiate a countdown clock, of 60 or 90 seconds, with a popup to notify the ultimate player of the time remaining, or at least a message that the countdown clock has been initiated.  This would allow the player time to make the most essential moves of those he/she has in mind. 

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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 3:32:02 PM

Hi there!

Interesting idea indeed!

While having the penultimate player end the turn of the last player might be a tad too abrupt, we have been thinking about ways to ensure the last player's turn doesn't drag on and on.

What we would like to implement is an optional timer (the duration could be customized in the game options) that would trigger when the penultimate player clicks "End Turn".

This Last Player timer would then automatically end the last player's turn upon reaching zero, regardless of how much time was left in the regular Turn timer. 

So basically what you described AquaticSonarKey, if I understood your idea correctly

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8 years ago
Jan 3, 2017, 9:54:01 AM

That timer is fine with me.
Can we have a game option to set the time from (say) 2 minutes (or whatever max time) to 0 sec ?

Because the abrupt side of a 0 timer can be a funny damocles sword to try : everyone just would not want to be the last player, so the whole game would be faster.

Another idea, maybe that timer could be trigged by the 2nd player ?

So the first to press end of turn is injured, but the second to press it is the most interesting place ? So there would some sort of "cold war" fight on this button ?

- the first player would press it and say "meh, i could have used more time"

- the second player press it and say "yay I had all the time I needed!"

- the third, forth etc players would say "meh, I should have pressed it before, so the other guys would have a problem, not me"

(not sure if that would work)

"Trigged by the first", like in most car race games wouldn't work, it's prone to abuse in the 4x genre, but "trigged by the 2nd", or "by the 3rd" or anything but the 1st would be interesting I guess.

The only problem with the whole idea I think are the space battles: today, not solving one blocks the end of turn button so it should be autosolving all battles ?

Updated 8 years ago.
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