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A Tyranny-esc start to each game

Game optionsNarrativeQuests

8 years ago
Jan 4, 2017, 9:09:28 PM

For anyone who played Tyranny i thought a 'similarish' sort of pick-your-own-adventure for your chosen race would be a good idea. From some sort of 'point' in history (i.e. first contact or first spaceship) to the start of the game (i.e. first spaceship to travel to other planets).

It doesn't need to be very long maybe 2-3 choices per 'pick' and 3-4 'picks' overall. And it could have a few minor impacts to starting conditions at the start of the game. For instance, one of the questions could have you start with 3 scouts instead of 1 and a colony ship, or changes specifics about the planet i.e. you chose an industrial boon rather than a conservation project resulting in slightly more income/industry per turn but less happiness.

I could go on for a long time with more suggestions about the 'picks' but overall i think it would make the choice of race feel more personal as you could (slightly) shape them.

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 5, 2017, 12:28:35 PM

I believe, without implementing new entities it could be solved through additional faction traits.

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8 years ago
Jan 10, 2017, 8:48:49 PM

I mean, maybe there is no need to create entire new game mode like Tyranny's Conquest if you could simply add more traits for creating custom faction. Like,

- Explorer: +2 scouts at beginning

- Bad luck: bad anomaly at home planet

- Businessman: +X% industry, -Y% happiness

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8 years ago
Jan 13, 2017, 6:48:37 PM
Celeir wrote:

I mean, maybe there is no need to create entire new game mode like Tyranny's Conquest if you could simply add more traits for creating custom faction. Like,

- Explorer: +2 scouts at beginning

- Bad luck: bad anomaly at home planet

- Businessman: +X% industry, -Y% happiness

While I would certainly love to see that implemented I also really like the idea of partly choosing the path your civilisation took to the stars. I do believe it should be optional if it is implemented, so that one can enable it if one wants to spice up a playthrough.

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