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Removing political parties


8 years ago
Jan 7, 2017, 6:01:14 PM
Mid to late game it gets quite annoying in government, because you will generally have unlocked all the political parties by this point, and so will hardly ever have any party be more than moderately in power (unless you go dictatorship). If there was a way to 'kill' one or more of the parties, say with dust or influence, removing them temporarily (medium cost) or permanently (very high cost) from the game it would make late game elections much stronger and more stable
Updated 7 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 7, 2017, 7:17:32 PM

A common problem, discused in this thread, also this idea has been proposed to deal with it.

ATM i think "killing" a party may be a bad idea, as you can need its laws in the long run (who knows??). I will re-think on it if the proposal was to use influence/dust/manpower, to char in your senate, something like elections cheating, to reduce/increase specific political parties representation.

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8 years ago
Jan 17, 2017, 5:48:56 PM

I could see a potential for "banning" a party from elections, that while it lets you control the party outcome, a happiness malus would affect the empire for their beliefs being supressed. That way banning a small party to get a bigger share wouldn't have such a large effect on systems, but trying to suppress a large party could lead to rebellious sentiment accross your empire.

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