Hi, so i have 22 hours of ES2 gameplay, and so far i love it, but i have some ideas.
- cravers are kinda strong, i had my first score victory with them, and it felt easy i was 1300+ while the AIs were around 200-300 score. Felt pretty happy with me. This was at turn 100.
- even tho i had the victory with the cravers while i was on my way to eradicate the united empire pirates kept poping up everywhere, not a turn went by when i didn't have at least 2 fights with pirates, they were easy to handle since i had fully upgraded titanium ships but they started to be annoying, they couldn't scratch my fleet but kept poping up
- what's up with the lumeris AI, when i played with vodyiani they always, i mean always entered my constelation and plantet an outpost in my constelation in a very interesting and system that i always keen an eye out.
- even tho i had my first victory with the cravers, my favourite race are the vodyiani. I enjoy them a lot, but i feel like they are underpowered, compared to other races. All other races can colonise imediatly from turn 1 but the vodyiani have to gather essence. This is extremly dificult because of the faction quest with the 2 fleets of pirates. A leecher won't be able to gather essence quite fast enough to be able to colosnise another system properly, they're early game is really really hard. I feel like the vodyiani should start with 500 essence or with another ark. Also it would be nice if we could probably find some leftover essence in anomalies maybe?
- while i tested all the races i had quite a lot of games the galaxy always had the same color and what not, started to get visually boring. maybe randomise the dust color of galaxies or something, also some animations on the map would make everything a little more pleasant for the eye.
- the fog of war is like strange. i'd rather have everything invisible than that fog of war.
well these are my ideas and observations so far.
btw, i got from steam the digital deluxe edition, when can i update my craver skins? they seem to be really cool.
thanks for giving me the opourtunity to write my thoughts, love you guys, peace and all the best.
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