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Stack all fleets in same star system in battle like as Endless Legend

MultiplayerSpace BattlesMilitary

8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 9:10:43 PM

I found that in ES2, as in ES1 involved in the battle only one fleet from each side. It is not very convenient, when in one system to have multiple fleets and they in turn are fighting. In the end, I was faced with the fact that the game has a high frequency of battles, many of which had no special interest in and useless and sometimes annoying.

I think it would be much better if ES2 was implemented the same mechanism of reinforcements in the battle at the expense of neighboring fleets, as it was previously implemented in EL.

This will reduce the frequency of unnecessary battles in the game and will make combat more scale and require more attention of the player.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 10:45:44 PM

If I got this right?

If you got 5 fleets with 8 Ships in each. And you use them to attack the enemy?

Would be great... and also: Then it could be an Last Stand with the fleet when you got no planets and the only choice is an either last attack or defence.

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 7:53:41 AM

Wouldn't that kill all benfits of command points and having larger fleets? I'll just replace them with lots of small one-ship fleets.

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 8:27:42 PM

Unfortunately, in EL the mechanism you speak of is utilized because you can actively choose where your forces are moving and who they engage, giving the opportunity for you to move troops off of "reinforcement points" to allow the next (X) amount of troops into play. In ES, this mechanism would not work at all as the battle system utilizes a card mechanic on-top of a strong "counter" mechanic; in summary, ES uses a more traditional Rock-Paper-Scissor method where as EL allows you to battle in a more modern approach where you have the options of terrain, flanking, ambushes, etc. allowing for huge armies to fight, mainly because the whole army is not in play at once and your opponent could easily cut off reinforcements through proper moves.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 11:31:43 PM
grizzy wrote:

Unfortunately, in EL the mechanism you speak of is utilized because you can actively choose where your forces are moving and who they engage, giving the opportunity for you to move troops off of "reinforcement points" to allow the next (X) amount of troops into play. In ES, this mechanism would not work at all as the battle system utilizes a card mechanic on-top of a strong "counter" mechanic; in summary, ES uses a more traditional Rock-Paper-Scissor method where as EL allows you to battle in a more modern approach where you have the options of terrain, flanking, ambushes, etc. allowing for huge armies to fight, mainly because the whole army is not in play at once and your opponent could easily cut off reinforcements through proper moves.

Don't see any problem here. Other fleets will include in next waves from the reserve during the battle and act according to the same tactics as the first wave.

But here I see the problem:

5 single ship's fleet in one system and 6 single ship's fleet in neighboring. And so almost every system where there is a fleet.

Record 20 fleets in one ship in the system. This was a serious flaw in the ES1, then the developers have solved this problem in EL, but in ES2 I see its again. If You think that this is only a problem of AI, that is not the case in the ES1 in multiplayer used a dirty trick to spamming fleets. Another way of resolving this problem is to limit the number of active fleets in the game. Let's say from 3 to 7 depending on the level of development of the Empire.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 11:38:17 PM
VulpusAlbus wrote:

Wouldn't that kill all benfits of command points and having larger fleets? I'll just replace them with lots of small one-ship fleets.

In the EL I have not seen any problems with demand for command points, in the EL gradually entered in battle all the armies which were nearby.

Updated 8 years ago.
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