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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 2:00:46 PM

SO I remember a while back asking Amplitude about whether or not we'd be getting the badass turrets from the two 'visions' trailers for starships when the game is released. I remember them saying that yes we will be getting them. However I have come to find that we do not have any of the awesome turrets, just much bigger versions of what we already have. Therefore I suggest that multi-barreled turrets like the ones from the trailer, and turrets with other differences between them, get added to the game. Perhaps the single-barrel weapons we have now could be the normal versions unlocked through tech progression, and the new awesome looking turrets with more barrels, or more missiles launched, or special effects against enemies shown by how their exterior design is different could be the strategic resource-based weapons. This would actually give players a reason to research the strategic weapons which are currently absolutely useless as up till tech tier five the normal versions are better. 

Titanium could be weapons like the rapid-fire plasma cannon thing the Sophons use in the trailer, Hyperium could higher damage, etc. The possibilities here are pretty neat.

Sophons Vision Trailer as reference:

Updated 11 days ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 1:26:57 AM

I just made a suggestion about this after searching up 'turret' and I didn't see this. Rip me.

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 6:31:04 PM
The_Judge wrote:

I just made a suggestion about this after searching up 'turret' and I didn't see this. Rip me.

I feel your pain.

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