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Victory Cinematics + starting heroes


8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 4:15:09 PM

The game is superb. Next to Endless Legend, the best that I’ve ever played.

I have an idea regarding the victory screen though. You could add a 15-20 second video for each race when they win. The Vodyani become Virtual Endless. The United Empire would plant their flag. The Cravers would devour all the planets in the galaxy and would go find another galaxy. The Sophons would create a Frankenstein monster and yell “Science!” (ok, that was just a joke).
So, videos like that would start playing, and then the usual Wonder Victory, Science Victory, etc. would come up.
Basically every game would start and end with a strong prologue / epilogue video, which would make the game more personal.

Also, at the beginning of the game you could have the option to choose your hero. The race would stay the same for that faction, but you could already choose guardian, seeker or overseer. This way, everybody could tailor their early game to their liking. That’s all I’d like to add. The game is marvelous and… ECOLOGIST CRAVERS FOR DA WIN!!!!

Updated 9 hours ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2017, 10:02:44 PM

Great Idea, I just posted the same.

Updated 8 years ago.
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