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'Traits' 4 Veteran Ships (Select Priority by Template)

MilitaryShip Design

8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 6:27:57 PM

Automatic selection of a bonus trait when a Ship gains a level (perhaps limited to just the jump to Veteran status.)

As far as I can tell, leveling up a ship increases a ship's HP.  Even if there are other qualities enhanced, I'd like there to be more specific buffs available upon leveling up.  As far as immersion, the idea is the crew spends time training up on one of four options: defense, offense, support, core systems, but not all at the same time.

I know this sounds micro, but there are two ways to circumvent the selection of a trait for each and every ship that advances a level:

A) One solution is to include a 'promotion priority' for each ship design template, to be selected at template creation (but alterable at any point afterward.)  This priority will be used to determine the buff bestowed upon leveling up.

B) The trait is assigned randomly. 

These priorities could be classified broadly as:

-defensive (increased shield strength, more hull strength, evasion bonus)

-offensive (increased accuracy, firepower, increased crit hit, increased mod-targetting)

-core (HP boost, faster battle speed, +1 MP)

-support (boost to defensive buff is obvious, enhanced effect of advanced targeting module,

not sure of any other applications per other species, but for Vodyani, the essence harvester module value could be increased)

I've been thinking of names to describe each of these traits, and have only come up with a few:


Sentinel: increased shield strength

Golem: increased hull strength

Evasiveevasion bonus


Sharpshooter: increased accuracy

Mod-blaster: increased mod targetting

Crit-hitter: Increased critical hit percentage


Resilience: HP Boost

Winged: mp +1

Nimble:  increased battle speed


Faithful: Vodyani essence harvest increase (credit: Romeo)

Facilitator: Flotilla Damage increase

Rampart: Flotilla Shield increase

Pathfinder: Probe stock increase 

Hey peeps, do any of you have ideas for additional traits or names for ones I've proposed here, including alternatives to the names I've thought up?

Also, I know there are support modules I'm missing, so if you can list additional ones, even if you don't have a title for it, you can add them in the comments.

Thanks to romeo for sharing input.

Updated 8 months ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

we would love to keep it simple for now.


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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 5:24:55 PM

I'd rename the Vodyani one to Faithful, or another religious term. I'm also unsure if they'd be willing to go that far down the micro-rabbit hole with at least ten options, given their resistance to micro in all other facets of the game. That said, the "core four" could still work without being too disruptive.

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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 6:33:49 PM
Romeo wrote:

I'd rename the Vodyani one to Faithful, or another religious term.

Good idea.  Are there other faction-specific modules?  I haven't played as lumeris yet, but haven't noticed one for sophons or cravers, but I wasn't really looking out for it (although I guess there is what is called 'sophon free move')

 I'm also unsure if they'd be willing to go that far down the micro-rabbit hole with at least ten options, given their resistance to micro in all other facets of the game. That said, the "core four" could still work without being too disruptive.

Good point.  It's just a little dissatisfying to reap such broad benefits of leveling up, but I'd like that outcome too.  Give the navy a little more flavor.

I was thinking the specific trait gained from the 'training' would randomly result in one of the 'micro' options, or be automatically chosen based on what modules are actually present in the design.  

Hard to imagine crew getting a boost to shield defense without shields.  Perhaps a virtual training experience could account for such a thing, and while it may not, at first, appear to be of benefit to gain increased shield defense on a vessel, the unlocking of additional module slots could easily afford opportunity to take advantage of such a trait.  

I guess I hadn't previously thought that through, but I suppose that making an informed decision about how to upgrade a template would require some data on traits currently possessed by the ships in your fleets, just the number that possess it seems enough to me, though i'm not sure where it would fit in the gui, perhaps another tab in the military screen, which shows overall fleet composition, and beside each ship type, the number with a specific trait.

Gosh, that would easily get overwhelming, wouldn't it, with successive revisions to ship designs.

huh.  Yeah,  you're probably right, general bonuses would be great!

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8 years ago
Dec 9, 2016, 9:55:13 PM

The "experience" a ship gets shouldn't translate to HP or Shield / Hull resistance or any other hardware based factor.

That has nothing to do with experience.

But I do see this as increasing accuracy, critical chance, evasion, patchwork repair on ship (repair 5% of damage taken for example apart from what the repair modules would give).

I wouldn't go into micro and just get those 4 factors increasing with each level.

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

we would love to keep it simple for now.

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8 years ago
Dec 19, 2016, 6:52:35 PM

ok, so the way I interpret that is "it's cleared for DLC!"

jk, but I still think it would add some intimacy to fleet management.

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