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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 2:43:33 AM

You should be able to build space station on asteroid belt that you can build space ships or build trade stations on them to gain the bonus to a "link" system. The "link" system would be the system that would build the station and maintain it. it could also help directly with space battles, maybe not as a direct contender but would provide a bonus to ships there and could also be a blocking point to other ships running though there.

Updated a day ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:46:05 PM

Mar 3 @ 2:17pm

YES.... I put LOTS of thought into this idea... Thanks for noticing!

One other Idea I came up with, playing the game.

The Civilian Starbase could also Build Trade Subsidary Modules, increasing trade income on any planet the Starbase orbits. This would not be conflict with the Trade Subsidary you could possibly build for the System, allowing the Trade income to stack! Could be a great idea for Planets which specialize in bringing in the extra Dust (or Dough!).

Also, Mining extraction Modules. These could help civilian Starbases bring in EXTRA mining Goods! If a Planet has Adamantium, putting a Mining Extraction Module could help increase the amount of Adamantium that planet is bringing in. Add 2 of same module, and you double that Adamantuim supply! However, now that their is a Civilian, you can't build a Military over THAT planet!

Multi Media Hub module. Some planets may struggle in gaining Approval for the system. Maybe the empire is at war too long. Maybe the System is far from home, surrounded by the cultural borders of other empires. Build a Civilian Starbase with a MM Hub Module, and thus will boost the Approval of the planet it orbits, thus benefitting the system.

Maybe the empire needs a boost of Political/Diplomatic Influence? Build a Civilian Starbase with a Political Affairs Module. Thus module, whereever built, helps increase the Influence Output over said planet benefitting it's system, adding to the Influence of the Empire; for politically motivated causes, or domestic political causes.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.

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6 years ago
Feb 12, 2019, 7:57:17 PM

I think this has been fulfilled by the behemoths, at least in part

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7 years ago
Mar 27, 2018, 1:37:55 PM


Starbases/Spacestation would help very much in the overal gamedesign.

Also I think nothing stops friendly Imperiums from building a second space station on a planet to use the benefits of both.

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7 years ago
Mar 26, 2018, 5:00:11 PM

The idea os starbases seems pretty good, but you need to refine it a bit further . and i think i can help whit that :)

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7 years ago
Mar 26, 2018, 4:58:51 PM

Hey DmanBlueLeader, you should make a idea forum thread whit those. Post in ideas section and link it here. i can check it out :)

Also im starting to feel this Isn't the right place to tell your ideas and how they are devolped... its another person idea trend, not yours. why not creating your own page so we can discuss it there?

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 18, 2018, 3:04:28 AM

What About building Remote Starbases, instead of building them near home systems and making them mobile?? This was also an option in SINS, and could be viable on ES2. 

As I mentioned earlier... Starbase L1 starts off with a Production Que project using entire System production to build, and to continue to build, would require more Qued construction projects to make L2-L8. Don't forget, each Level would come with so many extra slots to build more modules using the production allotted per planet it Orbits. This is how you build up the starbases Orbitting youo own planets. 

What about building a Remote Starbase? You need to mobile construction units instead of building up the Starbase, you build the supplies, and mount on freight ships. So on ES2, if they introduce Starbases as I suggest, getting built as construction que projects, they could also introduce Starbase Construction freighters. One Freighter is needed per Level of the Starbase, and the Class of the Starbase must be decided in advance. Maybe needs slightly less production than a L1 Starbase in Que, the Starbase Construction Freighter could require maybe 200-300 less overall production to build, and instead of building a Project, or building, in Que on planets, system, you're building a Ship, none the less. The ships may move a little faster than the Mega Comples Warp drive does, but they are also vulnerable with no ability to fight, retalliate, or protect self. So escorts are a MUST. 

Once the Starbase Construction Freighter arrives at target destination it chooses to Unpack in, the chose is decided "Unpack Construction Freighter". The total amount of production it took to build on system per turn, is divided in half, applied to half the total production to complete, to determine how long it takes to UNPACK the Construction Freighter, making only the L1 Starbase chosen. SO... If system producing 500 production per turn, and it built the Starbase Construction Freighter costing 1500 production, would have that done in 3 turns. When the Frieghter reaches it's destination, it will Upack at 250 production per turn, to build/upack, 750 production, still taking 3 turns. However, if the numbers aren't so even, it wouldn't calculate so easily. 

Once built, each Level added to a Remote Starbase including starting at L1, the Starbase production output for THAT level is 1/4th the amount of what it took Unpack that level. If the L1 took 250 per turn to unpack, as stated above, once built, that L1 production output is 62.5 per turn building it's Own Modules. All module slot counts, HP counts, etc should reflelct the same numbers I mentioned above, in my origial idea. So a L1 remote Military Starbase starts with 6 modules when it first unpacks, only one built as you choose the first module upon being complete, as the standard Orbital Starbases were I mentioned above. So to build the 2nd modulel, and thereafter, remotely, having no planetary influence on the Production output, the Remote L1 Starbase in this example has an output of 62.5 Production per turn. Maybe for L1 modules, they require 200 production, so @ 62.5 per turn, the Starbase will have it's second module in 3.2 turnss or in 4 turns total with some production left over. 

To level up the L1 Starbase, it needs another Starbase Construction Frieghter, which can be built in ANY system. If a different system builds the next frieghter, and does not have the same outpout of production as the other system did for the first Frieghter, than when the 2nd Construction Frieghter arrives, and unpacks supplies adding to the L1, it may not unpack at the same rate, total production as the first freighter did for L1. Once L2 is completed with the 2nd Frieghter, the Prudction rate per turn increases adding the next bonus according to what the Unpacking rate was (1/4 of it's per turn production) is added to the L2 roduction rate. So now, it's more than the 62.5 production per turn, building any new modules @ level 2. 

One more thing... As Mobile Starbases are Capped at L6, per suggestion I mentioned above talking about Mega Complex Warp Drives, so too are Remote Constructed Starbases, capped at L6, if they are built by Construction Freighters. This prevents anyone from cutting corners to get to that L7/L8 Epic Mounts... you must start and buildl those in own systems, keeping those in systems without building the Mega Complex Warp Drive... would be the only way to get to those L7/L8 Epic Mounts. Any Starbase with a Mega Complex Warp Drive, or any Starbase built by Construction Frieghters, can not develop higher than L6. 

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7 years ago
Mar 18, 2018, 2:20:30 AM

As for making Starbases Mobile as mentioned above? This was done in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion as well, and often would act as a Trade Route Bridge, even a level of protection for a Trade Route. However, they were way TOO OP in my opinion on Sins. The idea though, is non passable! If Starbases exist in a game, they must be somewhat mobile, or atleast capable of building one remotely! 

In SINS, some factions/race could build the starbase in their own territory, and eventually when I reached a certain tech, and built the appropriate construction on the starbase, it would allow the starbase to travel between different Spacial territories. In ES2, if our Starbase were able to travel between territories, could be a problematic Nightmare for entire Galaxy if not kept in check! 

So if they make Starbases, and make them Mobile... My suggestion would be, limiting their speed, as they are enormous and cumbersome fortress' as well, limiting how many can enter territories not of your own, at the same time. 

First, becoming mobile should not be an easy to accomplish task, and should not be paired with the all powerful L7 and L8 "Epic" Weapons I mentioned earlier. In fact, maybe to make these Starbase Fortress' Mobile, they should require a Mega Complex Warp Drive, which is Incompatible with the Epic Weapon Mounts, and/or the Epic Defensive mounts, as the amount of Ion Fuel required for the Mega Complex Warp drive is too Volatile, and unstable, to be installed or used on any Mega structure with Epic Mounts. 

Basically, building a Mega Complex Warp Drive, the starbase is incompatible to go to L7, or L8, and therefore that Starbase can NOT have any of the Epic Mounts from my idea mentioned above, and the Starbase capacity is capped at L6. So, one should decide when building starbases, what is most important... a mobile Military starbase to protect or mount an assault on Systems away from home systems, or Stacked Military complexes with interstellar weapons, or defenses, or the Starbase can go the Civil route! 

Also, as huge as those Fortresses can be, the Mega Complex Warp Drive can only move the fortress at snail warp speed, at 2 spaces per turn, and can not mobilize with a fleet (can not join fleets to get fleet speed bonuses). They are powerful, strategically advantagous, but slow and difficult to mobililze with the rest of your fleet. Don't fret, as the Mega Complex Warp Drive is available for L5 Starbases, on any Support Module slot, though only limited to one temporarly. With proper research, and breakthrough in Starbase space management and mobilization (come up with more research techs in tech tree), Upon reaching L6, A starbase can install a second Mega Complex Warp Drive Module, adding another 2 spaces per turn, allowing the Mobile Fortress to mobililze at 4 spaces per turn, max. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 17, 2018, 12:29:46 AM

Starbases... as I have spelled it out above... can be a strategic Advantage over any system defending, compared to how the game is now!! And like so, they should be!! 

I think TAKING starsystems now, is WAY too easy! I play a lot of Space farring combat games. Much of my ideas for starbase particulalry come from Sins of a Solar Empire; Rebellion. Slightly different game, as it is RTS, not TBS! Another difference is, Planets are individual, not grouped in a system. So naturally, it's easy to say they build up Starbases to defend EACH planet individually! However... on Sins, your not limited to ONE SB! And you are building other Orbital structures like stand alone weapons platforms orbitting the planet with the SB! That, I'm not suggesting. If anyone read my entire idea carefully, which I HOPE the developers have... would know I suggested ONE SB per Planet, and can only choose either Civil/Mililtary, per planet. Also, on this platform of game, I suggest everything is Built into the SB, not orbital structures like so on SINS. However, on SINS, even having 2-3 Massive fortress Starbases on ONE planet, Ships still had enough firepower in numbers and sizes, and weapon types, to eventually destroy the Orbital Fortress'! How?

Some ships on SINS were Specifically made for destroying Orbital structures, and could not combat other space vessels in Planet Orbital zones. SO... Introducing the idea with Starbases... we need another COMBAT Class weapon Module (OPTIONAL) to be built on Ships, no matter size. Call these Weapons Siege Weapons. So for ES2 ship modules, you have the following types of weapons; Missile and Kinetic = Projectile, Beam and Laser = Energy, and lastly, Have Siege Weapon Mounts. Siege weapons can be installed on any ship class, and like the other weapons classes, vary in size depending how big the ship is they are installed upon! So Siege Modules on Small ships are only 1x the stats of the actual module. If on the larger combat vessels (cp 3), the Siege modules would be 2x their stats for modules, and if on the Carrier ship would be 4x their stats, for the Siege module. Even if the Siege Weapon is placed on the Heavy mount for the battle cruiser and Carrier vessels, those Heavy Bonus (what is it, 2x on top of the 2x for the 3cp, and 2x on top of the 4x for the 6cp?) would also apply respectively for the Siege Weapon. 

So... In walks a ship of any sort with a Siege weapon. It does not, can not, fire upon any ship in flight... It can ONLY fire upon the Orbital Starbases, and the Planetary systems, first priority is Starbases. If a Siege mount on ship enters system, and the fight has NO Starbases in orbit, or the Starbase in the fight is destroyed before the fight ends, than the siege weapon applies it's damage to surface structures of the Planets/Systems. 

So... a likely scenario, if I may... You have 3 Planet System. Undefended by any Ships, or Starbases. Enters small enemy fleet. The Siege begins with the blockade on the system without any fight taking place, as it normally does. Siege weapon mounts can help progress the siege rate farther if installed on any vessels participating in that siege. 

Next system over, you have another 3 planet system. No ships. 3x Starbases. 2x Civil Starbases, one being science the other being Dust bonus, and the 3rd one being Military starbase. Both Civil have only one weapon module and 2 defensive modules. The Military has few more weapons, and defensive. Maybe has other support modules I mentioned above. In walks a fleet of many combat ships, with most being Siege weapon modulels. So while all the combat ships are taking fight against the starbases, the Siege weapons are helping pack the punch against the starbases. Though powerful, and hard to kill if they are built high, the Siege mounted ships will help destroy those Starbases sooner, even though the Starbases are also fighting back against both combat ships, and siege ships. 

Next System over. You have a 4 planet system. Heavily Defended with 2 military, and supported with two high bonus stacked Civil Starbases. This system is a crown Jewel, and those Military are armed to the teeth! You have a sizeable destructive Fleet defending as well. In walks a massive and powerful fleet/armada of enemy ships. Fight takes place. Enemy fleet has many contestable combat ships, as well as some Siege mounted ships as well! Combat ships fight combat ships, while siege fights the Starbases. Defending combat ships can also fight against the Siege ships attacking. And the Attacking combat ships can also dish out pain against the Defending Starbases... WHAT you have is a very intense Space fight, likely going to last a few turns atleast. 

In any of those scenarios... after so many turns of fighting, and combatting... you finally break through as the attacking fleet, and now your able to move in youor ground forces... 

My next idea I also mentioned on Steam... imrpvoing Ground war on Endless Space 2. My point here though... to offset the Strategic Advatage of Starbases orbitting Star Systems, especially if they include the concept of 1 per planet, allowing many per System... Siege Module mounts specifically built to help destroy Starbases, and siege planets! 

For another time!!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:54:04 PM

TO CONCLUDE MY IDEA from My steam conversation. I thought the names were included, to prevent plageurism, because not ALL those were my comments on steam! However, after I went back through and RE-copied all the names to each comment respectfully, after I updated it, I noticed system removed the names. 

If I have to though, if anyone on STEAM who commented on my thread there recognizes their comment here, say so... I will go back through and hand type all the names from those who commented respectfully there... so everyone knows here, these are NOT all my comments from steam! 

I'd lilke to know what everyone else thinks of my idea for Starbases, as I have detailed it out now. I can legetiametly say I thought out everything thoroughly, and can defend all parts of my ideas. Following this comment, any more ideas concerning this will be fresh and only on here... such as "Offsetting the advantage" of the Starbases, and what I think of mobil the Mobile Starbase Idea mentioned. 

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:48:14 PM
  Mar 3 @ 4:51pm 

I don't know if I was clear... It would not be so easy building up TOWERING Starbases so quickly either. I did say the Starbase L1 Starts as a system construction project, though only orbitting one Planet in system. To be clear, it would take up the Construction que as ANY other construction project would take up. So whatever the system is building for the system, would slow any other production down having to wait, if say the system has 3x planets.

Say we have Wasat, a 3 planet system (i'm using names and numbers from my current game). Two planets in Wasat are specializing in Colonial Exchange, and third in Production. So to build a Lvl 1 Starbase on Wasat 1, would take a slot, and say 2000 Production. Each level uses the entire system production provided, for any starbase, per level construct. So Wasat System has a production output of 514 total. 2000 / 514 = 3.89 turns. So in 4 turns, you only have a L1 Starbase on Wasat 1. The other two planets still have 0 (none) starbases.

Also, to clarify, when building ANY level to ANY starbase, MINUS L7, or L8, so Levels 1-6 for either Sci, or Military, when the level is complete, you get 1 Free module to choose. So when that Level 1 Starbase on Wasat 1 is complete in 4 turns, you choose the first module installed. Any module after that takes an additional 250 production, but ONLY from the planet it's orbitting, just to control the progress of starbases a little. So on Wasat system, although the whole system produces 514 production, Wasat 1 ONLY has 52 production. The other two Wasat planets can not contribute their production to build modules orbitting Wasat 1.

Here the tricky part. Each Starbase would have it's own Que for it's own Modules. NOT Starbase Levels though. So now that Wasat 1 has a L1 Starbase in it's orbit, with only 1 module, to build it's next module takes ALL the Production (52) from Wasat 1, and applies it to it's Starbase Que. The System can work on other projects for Wasat System, using the System Project que - 52 Production from coming from Wasat 1, including any multiplier bonuses reflecting on Wasat 1 Production. So, Wasat 1 Starbase now using 52 Production building next module, which cost 250 production, would take 4.8 turns. So in 5 more turns, Starbase Wasat 1, now has 2 modules installed, while the rest of Wasat was building minus 52 production from Wasat 1.

So... While Starbase Wasat 1 is building it's 2nd Module, Wasat System only producing 462 Production (would be more considering any system bonus reflecting Wasat 1 Production, not considering those now). Maybe Wasat 3 (skipping 2 for now) decides to build Wasat 3 Level 1 Mililtary Starbase. 2000 production / 462 = 4.32 turns. So in 5 turns, Wasat 1 Starbase building 2nd module, while Wasat System building L1 Military on Wasat 3. Now that Wasat 1 has L1 starbase with 2 modules, Wasat 3 just finished L1 with 1 module. Wasat 3 has a Production output of 72, cause it's a production focused planet. So now that Wasat 3 Military Starbase is working on Module #2, 72 production is focusing on the module, within the Starbase Que, taking from system. Same time, maybe Wasat 1 is building Module #3, taking another 62 production from Wasat System production. With 380 production now, per turn, Wasat System can still build anyproduction available, at 380 per turn, while both Starbases are building their modules.

In some time in near future, you decide to build on Wasat 1 Starbase (if not clear, lets consider it a Civilian), making it L2. Sense each new level gains 500 more HP than last level, lets say the same is needed for production. If L1 Starbases cost 2000 production, than Level 2 costs 2500 production. This again, as any level upgrade, takes from System production, and takes entire production Que. Once each level built, with some exceptions, they start with 1 new module. Any more modules adding still come off the Planet production of which the Starbase is orbiting. Each subsequent level also adds +50 production to each module built. So at Level 2, a star base Modules now cost 300 production FROM the planet it orbits, taking that from the system until Module complete, but built in Starbase own Production Que.

So... even though Strategically advantage defending, or bonusing, a system, it's highly demanding on System Production que slots, and output, as well as time! It's not easy to builld UP starbases, and they all start off small and weak! But putting in the effort, they are well worth it.

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:47:44 PM
Mar 3 @ 3:31pm 

So, again... NONE of the modules of ANY starbase are actually efffective on ANY starbase, unless it's Installed. Like Starships being designed, Starbases would have Module slots available, more opening up at higher levels of Starbase built. So a Military Starbase L1 only Starts with 6 Modules, as I indicated above, at 3000 HP. Not very strong if you ask me.

Maybe the player builds a Laser Module, and a Kinetic Projectile Module. Than A Structure Integrity Module (adds +15% HP to base HP only, but no Defensive bonus), and An Armor Module (adds +5% Defense, and +500 HP). 2 slots left for Level 1, maybe a Scanning Array (increases visual sight around system, no effect in combat), and and Engine Disruptor (stops enemy movement from leaving for 1 turn per like module).

That's 6 Modules. now the Military Starbase has 3950 HP (3000 base +15%= 3450 + 500 more from defense, = 3950), only two Weapons modules (Kinetic and Laser), both equivalent to what's allowed per research, and provides extra sight, and stops enemy movement for one turn! NOT very powerful at all. In mid game, a fleet of 6x Small Attack vessels each 2000-3000 HP and 2-3 weapons could destroy such starbase, probably losing half the fleet!

When the L2 Military upgrade gets built on the starbase, the Military Starbase will gain 3500 Base HP and +5 more modules to use as player chooses!

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:46:39 PM

Other ideas. Militarely!

Targeting Disruptor Array. This module, if built on a Military Starbase, disrupts the Targetting systems of enemy vessels. Weapons of either projectile, or Energy, need targetting systems to coordinate their attacks. If one of these modules is built, Enemy weapons do 5% less damage. Maybe one builds two of these, Enemy fleets do 8% less damage, with a 5% drop in accuracy!

A Weapons Jammer Module. Maybe only focuses on disrupting Projectile weapons of enemy fleets. Has no Effect on Energy weapons. Higher effect though against Projectile weapons. Having one of these modules may reduce the damage of enemy Projectile by, say 7%. Having two of these modules on one Military Starbase reduces the enemy Projectile damage upto 12%, and increase chance of a system overload on enemy ships due to Projectile weapons jammed, upto 4% chance of internal damage done to enemy ships due to weapons jamming, every 4 or so minutes of combat.

Same idea, against energy. Maybe a Power Overload Emmitor Module on a Military Starbase, reduces the Energy Weapons on enemy ships by 7%. However, having two of these modules on the same Starbase, reduces enemy energy weapons by 12%, with upto a 4% chance in a Power Overload, causes some internal damage on enemy ships, due to Overload.

Short Circuit Module. Effect as the Targeting Disruptor, except against either Defense system. Having a Short Circuit Modules sends jamming codes to enemy vessels in fight, which cause the circuits managing the Shields or the Magnetics of the Armor, reducing either Defensive systems by 5% less protection. Having two of these modules, enemy defenses are 8% less effective, with upto a 5% chance in a total loss of Defense for 5 seconds.

Maybe a Last resort chance to do catastrophic damage within a fight, trying to protect a System from enemy fleets in orbit... A military Starbase could have an Core Breach Overload Module. If this module is installed, when in a fight, if THIS Starbase is damaged to less than 100 HP remaining, the Core Breach Overload Module will cause a catastrophic Self Destruct sequence completely destroying the Starbase, subsequently causing a Large Amount of damage surrounding the Starbase within the System during same fight. Maybe 60% of the TOTAL HP lost by Starbase = 1.5 x Damage output to surrounding vessels!! So if Starbase was a L4 Military, using my HP chart above, having no extra Modules adding HP (just for argumentative sakes, as most would add a few HP bonus modules), it would have 15,000 HP on Starbase, losing 14,901 to drop below 100 HP left, would Overload with that Module installed, self-destructing, subsequently doing 13,410 damage (14,901 x .60 (60%) =8940.6 x 1.5) to all surrounding ships! This may hurt your own, but if you Starbase has dropped to under 100 HP, it's likely a losing battle, and at this point, the enemy hase more vessels in the area than you do, or it's not defended by you anyway. This amount of damage would cause most ships whom already damaged but hoping to survive, due to combat, to be destroyed themselves. Again... WITH a Second Core Breach Overload Module, that Self Destruct sequence now causes 100% of HP lost x 2 = damage output of Self Destruct. A 15000 HP Starbase losing 14,901 would cause 29,802 (14,901 x 2) damage with two these modules installed, doing a lot more damage across the fight, hopefully to most enemy starships.

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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 3:29:25 AM

Maybe as a System Development? Or even a Ship type, that has no engine slots? I wouldn't necessarily have it as a blocker though.

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:43:57 PM
Mar 3 @ 2:11pm 

Someone suggested against the L7 & L8 Epic Weapon/Defense concept of the Military Starbase I suggested. Notice again... I stated earlier that Level 7 and Level 8 starbases ONLY allow one module installed. Those epic weapons, defenses would take up those One module allowed slots, forcing the player to decide if that's what he really wants.

Also, i got the idea from another space game I used to play all of the time. Anyone ever play Sins of a Solar Empire; Rebellion? Someone Mentioned Sins of a Solar Empire in their comments. Remember the late game Intersteller weapons? IF built up within a paprticular race, have multiple locations, those weapons were Overpowering. The Vasari had the weapon capable doing damage to orbittal structures. The Trade Fed had the weapon that damaged the surface and pop of target planets. The "Other" race (i forgot) were all about culture bombing everyone, and their Interstelllar weapon was dropping a massive culture bomb on it's target which lasted for so many turns. If played right, the race benefitted tactically in any environment where it's own culture was dominant. So drop that culture bomb, and invade when It's active, and they had a much easier fight... Remember those weapons? Same Idea... except mine is more reasonable. In Sins, with those weapons scattered about the universe (map), their was NO defense to stopping them once fired upon your planets. All you can do was sit, stare, and watch as the devestation hit your planets, and than try to defend it in the aftermath, and than retalliate against the planet who launched the weapon. Same idea... except don't forget, I added Epic Defenses to my idea, to counter Epic Weapons. All lbuilt ONLY on L7 and L8 starbasses, which would require said player to build that starbase up in the first place.

Don't forget the strategy of counter attacking I mentioned above in Sins. If you knew where those Interstellar Weapons were built, you knew where to go! Same on this idea. Not only youo have the Epic Defense built up on some of your Starbases defending the more strategic systems from Epic Weapons, and able to fire back your own, you also have your own fleets, armada's of ships, to counter attack the enemy Epic Weapons. Granted, you need more than a few frigate size vessels to bring a Starbase of that size down... but... THAT all plays into the strategy, and THAT is why I suggested this idea...

First and foremost... we need starbases to make this more strategically challenging and fun. Second, allowing starbases to build up Civililian vs Military Starbases forces the player to choose what's more important, and manageable, to him on each system. Third, allowing multiple starbases on one system, having one per planet, allows a player to reflect on how big that system is (having multiple planets) and therefore how important it is, to build up and defend...

So the strategy behind the idea. The forethought! If it's one Planet system, what is more important, cause You are only getting ONE. Is it a high output planet of Sci? Dust? Influence, you might need a Civilian. If you have a system with 5-6x Planets, maybe 2-3 are built up with Military Starbases, and the other 2-3 are Civilian. With that many Civilian Starbases in one system, you have a huge Civilian output of Civilian Support for you empire, making it a Highly strategic System, making the need for those other 2-3 to be Military! So lets say you have 2x Military Starbase. One can build up to make an Epic Defense, but which one? Remember, Epic Shield can only stop the two Epic Energy weapons I suggested. Epic Anti Projectile, than, would only protect against either Projectile weapons, so choose wisely what you fear the most! The other Military Starbase can be one of your own Epic Weapons, thus... making the System that much more heavily Strategic... with such a High Civilian output with the other Civilian Starbases in the same system, now having an Epic Weapon, suddenly brings a heavy target onto that system... much to choose from building up Starbases.

I don't think they'd be too overpowering afterall!! Remember... the More Military Starbases built, the higher the demand is on Manpower, and the higher the cost in maintenance! So many players may NOT choose to build so much afterall!! The few they build, they'll want to protect their Own Systems from those epic Weapons, so the fewer allowed will be chosen for the Epic Weapons of their own. So those Epic weapons will not be as fearsome as some may think! But atleast, would have the option of defending against!

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:42:57 PM

To clarify, the Starbases would be one of two options, allowing the player to choose in advance. Civililan Starbases would not be as powerful and limited on it's own response to tactical situations. Maybe to also offset the Strategic advantage of Military Starbases over Civilian, a Military Starbase would require a higher amount of Manpowerr quota per level of the Military Starbase. Further, it would require a higher maintenance cost, as maintaining the strategic base, weapons, etc is a higher cost. So Civilian bases may not be capable of handling an invading party, but they are cheaper in maintenance, don't require as much manpower, and still benefit the Planet/ System they are orbitting.

Someone suggested that having so many Starbases in one system would be too much to bear for a fight. On the other hand, it would only reflect how many Planets are in system. I did say, it'd be ONE starbase per ONE planet (colonised, which I did not clarify already). And maybe have a high demand of Production from that planet, system. So a brand new Lvl 1 Starbase would not be built when a planet is first colonized, would take a few more turns for planet to be established before a Starbase orbitting it comes to bear! Again, if they build more Military, would be Higher cost on maintenance, and demand more Manpower taking from the reserves they could use building ships.

As someone stated though, the Starbase getting stronger tactically to defend very important positions, is reflected on this idea. Say you have a system of 5 planets. 3 Are colonized. The other two are not. You can only have 3 starbase max for system. Say one is a powerful Sci output, so you put a Civilian Starbase there and plan to build a massive Sci Lab orbitting that planet. Now that you take one starbase to boost that planet Sci, you have no other starbase defending it, according to the theory that One starbase Per planet, is to heavy! So my thouoght is, the other two planets also capable of building a Starbase. Maybe the other two are Military, maybe only one. But having more starbases is basically stacking the ability to defend a Strategic System having a high scientific output.

Plus, as I mentioned, the higher Starbases won't come til later in the game, as each level only gets open per Research from sci tree. Early Military Starbases won't be able to Stop/Attack enemy fleets, as I clarified before, that requires specific Modules installed on the Starbases. So there again, it's not a stop all fleet deteriment as they become later in the game. Later in the game, you have races with larger fleets, of larger ships, of more firepower, so you don't approach those heavily defended systems without having the firepower to contend with.

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:31:45 PM
 Mar 3 @ 6:41am 

Summary of galactic civ 3's stations...
They were placed in the space between systems.
They had a minimum distance from each other to limit spamming.
Military ones provided percent bonuses to combat and more defense for itself.
Civ ones provided spam static buffs to fidsi and percent buffs within the stations effective range.
Both had sensors for visual scouting and effective range upgrades.
Both were semi vulnerable to attacks.
The initial station as placed in space manually with ships containing the right building modules. Upgrades to the stations were either constructed in systems automatically (when you interfaced with the station it had a cue and 'sent' the job out, systems would build simple ships with one building module), or you could manually send building modules to the station.
I like gal civ 3 but maximizing stations was a quite a bit tedious once you got wide. I want to say the civ one had maybe 20-30 buildings.

I could see one station per system, and baseline wide static/percent bonuses to system at system development level 1. At level 2&3 you can pick between 6 buildings (based on political themes), at level 4 you can pick a follow-up on one of you themes. I don't think the game needs more planet crackers (especially intersystem), but ship cost reduction / manpower production in system, strategic cost on ships in system, or system combat percent bonus/free squadrons for combat nearby wouldn't break the game.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:28:24 PM

After reading a bit more of the OP, I'm just wondering if these might be a little bit too impactful.

Multiple stations per system is already pretty scary from a local space combat perspective, not to mention making it work when viewing the battle... I could imagine fighting in front of one as being an epic deathstaresque battle, but battling in front of 5 might start to seem a little over the top?

But being able to fire into other systems and destroy fleets/population... idk. One of the things that really annoyed me about Endless Legend was losing pop to infiltration as it felt like fighting this amorphous enemy I was destined to be hounded by for the rest of the game (not that that was the case in the end). One of the things I like about ES2 is that there aren't really any mechanics I feel helpess to respond to, so I'm not sure if I'd enjoy having my systems bombarded and losing pop/fleets/structures/planets from deep within UE space.

Maybe if these kinds of stations required targeting ships (kind of like how some games use binoculars as a way for players to call airstrikes), so that a physical presence is still needed near the target meaning the defending player still has an avenue to prevent it. Maybe it might require X turns to establish a lock. Just some way to require some risk and strategy on the station owner's behalf.

I do like the idea of forming a fleet to take a station out before one of your planets gets Alderaan'd, but unlike A New Hope there might be another 10 of these to deal with, all firing on the same turn, at the same or other locations. Even being able to defend against the shot itself (the epic defense), what kind of military would be required to defend against mulitple shots?

It's hard to imagine not being completely at the mercy of the faction that has these first as the defending player's fleets would be on damage control from the get go, not to mention that whatever their strategy was beforehand, they're going to want to ramp up military to deal with this. Maybe I've read it wrong but it seems as though it would narrow strategy choices down to throwing your strategy away and dealing with the threat, or being destroyed from afar.

If they were to have that kind of capability I think it'd have to be limited in number (maybe even once per action) so you still have the threat, but defense can more readily be coordinated, but also it would make this powerful weapon indisposable and an extremely valuable target for an offensive defensive.

Maybe you could still have other station for science, system defense etc, but planet killers and system destruction on multiple stations, even with a cooldown, just seems very open to abuse to me. Could be wrong though.


Yeah, I think I have that kind of thing more in mind myself. It'd be really cool if it control could change hands as well. Imagine the kind of meta-gaming that might go on when you start thinking about raiding a system to assault a station to take control of it, then send it elsewhere to a different system or establish a beachhead.

As far as resource collection goes, maybe they could leech a % of the system's production that increases/decreases with your influence. I guess it would make them pretty weak on low density galaxies but pretty valuable on high.

I think as along as there were different paths to take when teching up the stations it could be an interesting layer for system building, just so long as military wasn't the clear winner every time.

(Going to have to check Gal Civ III out after looking at its page- hadn't heard of it before).

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:27:33 PM
 Mar 2 @ 9:20pm 
Originally posted by DimensionHatross:I also think adding starbases, as per your ideas, and if you made them powerful and costly enough, could add some incentive to building high on certain systems. I do wonder though if it might make space combat favour the defender too much, or that stronger ships would be needed to handle them, which might make it hard for the pacifist factions to deal with if it comes to war.
As much as I dislike GC3 for other reasons, I like the way it implements starbases and it would be really hard to deviate from its recipe. Haven't played GC3 in years but if I remember, it allows you to customize starbases in any way you want but only after you select a particular tier 1 upgrade branch, which means you can either make starbases huge extractors, economic hubs, influence centers or defensive positions but not everything. So you'd have to think strategically, like if the starbase's coverage range is able to encompass multiple resources, it would make sense to turn it into a huge extractor. But if it's close to your border with a rival civ, you may want to turn it into a culture center or defensive fortress.

As a fortress, it would of course favor the defender because that's what it's for. But if it can be captured by the attacker and looted as well as converted for some other use or moved to a more strategic location, then I'd see that as a risk-reward mechanic.

The huge issue here is unlike GC3 that works on a tile system, ES2 works on a node system with resources concentrated in systems instead of being spread out across the galaxy and those that appear outside systems can only be exploited if your influence area covers them. So for example, one question would be if a rival faction uses an extractor to mine resources near your system and your system's influence subsequently covers it, does the other faction lose resource access? This might need some creative overhaul in the way resources can be extracted.
Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:26:13 PM

 Mar 2 @ 8:53pm 

Not going to lie, I haven't read this (will when I get to work) so I can't comment on your design or balance (which at a glance it seems you have put a lot of effort into), but I think starbases and outposts could work here.

I did read that you'd like them to be something built using the construction queue, and I do think they could be nice like that, but I was hoping they might be used on colonised systems for defense, as well as in lieu of actually colonoising a system to begin with, as it is with Sins of a Solar Empire. That game allowed you to use them defensively or offensively and you weren't tied to owning the system you wanted to build in (it used construction ships which could be added here).

If these were added to the game, this is why I'd like to see approval being harder to come by- to encourage soft expansion and having more contested/neutral locations on the map. I wouldn't say I dislike the way 4X games get so contested and 'owned' at late game, but I do think your idea and a way to discourage so much outright colonisation might allow for the game to having more room to breathe and allow for different kinds of strategic choices to be made. The again, maybe that would hurt pacific conversion-styled play, but then again, maybe it would require that style of play to be have more intent to be effective, rather than being an inevitable part of proceedings as it is now once everyone becomes neighbours.

I also think adding starbases, as per your ideas, and if you made them powerful and costly enough, could add some incentive to building high on certain systems. I do wonder though if it might make space combat favour the defender too much, or that stronger ships would be needed to handle them, which might make it hard for the pacifist factions to deal with if it comes to war.

Anyway, will have a read at work. I do like the idea though

Updated 7 years ago.
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