It's based on other Korean fan of your games.
There were so many opinions that I can agree with him, so I wanted to share with you here.
(but above all, sorry for my bad English :D)
Music : Awesome.
would be great if we can have a chance to meet more music from further updates.
Combat : so-so.
graphic is amazing, idea is good, but not much different from ES1.
All player can do is spectating and taking some shots.
But it's better than ES1, so I hope combat system keeps being improved.
Race : Amazing
always love races in Endless series. But need some balance patches.
Ship designs : Poor
lack of modules you can customize than I've thought.
we need more support modules.
And I liked your idea in Update 1, that led players to combine all kinds of ships from the early game to the end, by giving each ships specific roles, but now, spamming most powerful ship rules everything.
Tech tree : absolutely stunning.
That's why I love Amplitude. They know what we want. And we really love to know that we REALLY can change game.
Quest : so-so.
It's good, but same as those of EL. They have EL's strength, but weakness too.
Need more improved idea in further update.
Pop system : gorgeous
really love how pop works in new systems - politics, election, parties...
minor faction : poor
worse than EL's minor faction and even Civ's city-state.
What we can get from them is gaining pops and features of them only by assimilating.
Minor factions in ES2 must have more meaning in game in future.
Ground combat : hmm
It's hard to judge this new system in this stage.
I believe it can be more improved in future.
Hope it can be helpful for you.
And always love your games. :)
Love, from Korea
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