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Tech Tree Comparison or Details?


8 years ago
Mar 18, 2017, 2:06:02 AM

Hello Community! :-)

I was hoping to suggest: When researching new technology on the tech-tree, if there could be more details when you have to decide between two options. I find myself wondering, "Should I research laser weapons or ballistic weapons?" - Also finding myself not sure what materials each tech would require or give.

If laser weapons take X materials to make, and ballistic weapons take Z materials to make, then I would be able to plan better.

Right now, you can hover over the tech to see what it will make available, but perhaps there could be a way to see what materials would be needed or how it would impact.

I also find myself not sure which Battle Tactics to research, because I am not sure how to see the difference between the two. The descriptions of the technology is fun to read, but I don't find it helpful in providing exactly what I would gain from the researched technology.

Okay, thank you for your time. If I simply overlooked something, then, my apologizes. However, either way I hope this give a little feedback.

Updated 5 days ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 18, 2017, 8:26:19 AM

Upvoted for same issue. But I'm not sure all this info can be put together in a comprehensible way with a tooltip. May be a Endlesspedia is a better solution for this kind of issues.

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