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Stargate and Auto Migration Tools

System ManagementPopulationPoliticsGame options

8 years ago
Apr 7, 2017, 10:38:58 AM

I already posted an Idea about Spaceport but I show more detailled infos here.


In this first Idea, you can read how it's near impossible to use correctly the Spaceport and why.

I resume the problem : Manage population is really too time consuming, too much micro-management, and too complicated. 

Solutions : we need a lot of tools for managing it in automated ways. Then, the player manage how these auto-tools work instead of wasting time and energy at managing each single guy. Gameplay will be improved as it's better to concentrate attention on interesting tasks and strategy.

I don't know where the manage screen should be, but there is many screens about population, so a screen like this could be nice, as we get some information, and these screen will become interactive, as they are actualy quite useless because they give an information about what we can't really do any management.

Options of these tools :

- Auto assign a population giving a bonus to appropriate planets (example, a guy giving +2 dust on sterile go on a sterile planet). Here this will work also with migration : a system with a planet with a specific biome will attract pop giving bonus on it in the empire.

- Auto send population to another system if actual system is 90% full (or any other number we can choose).

- Auto equilibrate number of population in each system - each system get same percentage of population (it's a tool making something like previous one).

- Attract more population on a specific system (same category of option).

- Auto ask for getting diversity. then auto migration are made in a way the AI try to fill pop with one represent of each race if it not countered by another tool option. Player could also give a number of different race he wish on a system. for example, 4.

- Ask for getting only major faction population on a system.

- Ask for getting more population of a specific political on a system.

THEN : Game make automated migration with spaceport. A rate of 1 guys/2 turns for example (or a rate player can choose). No population lost in space as game could balance the process. If a population find no room, then this pop is redirected in a system with rooms, or converted in manpower instead to be lost if there is no room nowhere.

IN THIS WAY : Maybe, politics will get interest, as we can make something for changing how things happens. 


Add a technology making population switch instant instead using a spaceport (spaceport can still be used during first eras) via the use of the famous stargate (a technology coming from the ancients hum.. hum.. endless).

You can also name it "Interdimensionnals Doors" like the ones of Hyperion universe.

As it's a tech used in a lot of SF storys, this could be easely put in ES2 without contradiction.

Updated 2 days ago.
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8 years ago
May 31, 2017, 11:06:12 PM

Spacesports and migrants it's something that take time but it feels realistic for me. I agree that managing population required a lot of micro. 

But it's part of the game. By micromanaging I learn the specificities of each races of the galaxy. With this knowledge I choose which races I want in my empire, for which purpose etc. the choice of the populations you can absorb in your empire is quiet important following their political supports and traits.

If the game optimizes everything without any constraints I feel i will be very desinterested by the lore, traits, etc. of each races of the game.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 9:11:30 AM

Anyway, even if this is made with manual choice, it need something ergonomic for doing this micro.

Like a global screen with all systems and all information about planet biomes and pop (with abilitys information), and possibility to give orders for managing pop and send pop.

Actual game tools are a real nightmare.

I think Game need to provide options for players doing things manualy or automaticaly. 

I don't want loose time to do manualy things after a point when I get to much systems colonized.

Updated 8 years ago.
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