What really annoys me, REALLY annoys me, about playing vodyani, is that i am significantly disadvantaged by the presence of Minor factions. I am disadvantaged in that i cannot actually take them, and at any point, regardless of my influence with them, or my status with them, the ai can always buy them out.
I propose that once a faction is Brainwashed by Vodyani, that faction can never be taken by anyone else through the normal methods of investing influence. They should adopt the players colours once Brainwashed, but they should retain their faction symbol, allowing brainwashed systems to be easily distinguished. The systems would remain AI controled, and all fleets generated from those would be friendly to the player. These systems can only be taken by other players as if they were a player owned system, through cultural conversion, or invasion. If a Vodyani chooses to destroy the system, which should be renamed akin to harvesting the system, should burn 1 population each turn, generating a large quantity of esscence untill gone.
Vodyani: Brainwashed minors only taken by invading.
System ManagementMultiplayerMinor FactionsMilitaryMajor FactionsFactionsDiplomacy
8 years ago
May 19, 2017, 6:15:44 AM
Updated a month ago.
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